I've been so busy trying to motivate myself by writing those "motivation" posts, but it seems that i'm failing, or i've already failed. Damn that.
Well, i'll just adjust the time till yesterday.
Yesterday morning.
Waked up early as usual, and had to attend my volleyball training in school - which was scheduled at 0830. God knows what reason the captain asked us all to reach school at 0745 - but only me, the captain, and Hoong got there and started waiting.
And we waited.
Still waiting.
No one came yet.
Then we tried to phone the other players.
No response.
So we had no choice but to start our warm-ups early - running the perimeter of the basketball court for.. I forgot how many rounds. I just followed the seemingly endless stamina of Hoong, who was leading the running.
Practice was normal, probably because i did some extra training at home for my digging and my setting - actually we all did (Yeoh, Hoong, SheeWei, Haochuan etc) the "extra-training", which was venued at Sin Min Primary.
My role in the team?
A setter - not because i give perfect sets.
Its because that we're short of players, and we don't have a "fulltime" setter.
Ah well..
Reached home at 12, with my leg muscles aching, though not as much as usual, thanks to the regular badminton games that i attend :|
After a quick chat on MSN, i went on with my "routine" - to take a nap before a certain "Christmas barbeque party" (so says Emmeric, who invited me)
Was on my way to the venue for the Christmas barbeque party, and i had no idea where the house is.
Till i received a message from Emmeric (Original, unchanged):
Theses a junction between laman used cars n esso use it n go straight until u passed sk saraswathy n on d 1st x junction turn left then you'll c a junction . We r there .
And i have no idea what he's trying to explain. Note the use of punctuation marks too :|
I understood the part where i turned in to the junction between Laman used cars and Esso. And i followed his following instructions till we got lost - mom had to ask for directions from a passerby instead :|
Reason why i got lost?
He messed up "left" with "right".
However, i'm considered lucky, as Siqi got a message saying that its "Caltex" instead of "Esso".
Okay, Emmeric's definitely not someone i would trust on directions, XD.
And so the party started at around.. Umm, umm, 1930 something?
Where they started handing Santa hats to every one of us, asking us to wear it throughout the party.
Oh, did you think that i'd do that?
And sacrifice my hair?
Lol, no thanks.
Luckily i got an alibi - the purple dye gel might stain the Santa hat if i wear it.
And wee, i got excepted from wearing the hat, *laughs evilly*
I suck at explaining things in detail, but here goes the events at the party:
1) Ice-breaking
We were all divided into three groups. The members of each group has to introduce themselves to each other (Only confined to members from the same group), and after five minutes we have to remember at least SIX members from our group - their name, their school, and their hobby.
Names were quite easy to remember,
Schools were moderate,
But hobbies..
We made them up, XD.
"What's Mabel's hobby?"
'Watching dramas.'
"Is that right, Mabel?"
'Yes.' *Crosses fingers behind back*
And so that was the first part gao dim-ed.
2) Think of a group name, a group motto, and a group action
Three teams, right?
The rules is that the names must end with a "-man".
We have a team called "Superman",
Another one called "Spiderman",
And us.
"Very man".
I'm so sorry to say that i thought of that stupid name, but i didn't expect my groupmates to really suggest that as our name, geez.
So, group name's done.
Group motto?
Okay, everyone has no idea about this, and no one bothered to think of one.
So i accessed my "Childish" part of my mind again, lewl.
Actually i thought of both at once - group action, accompanied by a group motto.
The problem was suggesting the idea to my other groupmates.
Here's my stupid idea -
Motto - One, Two, Three, Four; "Very man" will rock the floor!
Accompanied by a "starfish" act, which is popular among childish kids.
Ya know.. The starfish act..
Don't expect me to post up a video (Though my friend took one of us doing the stupid dance), and no illustrations either, i tried drawing a simple diagram but i laughed at my own skills in drawing stickmans, XD.
Gawd, the shame.
Though i was quite happy that the whole group did the same as i did, XD.
After a quick prayer by the Christians, we started dinner.
Nothing much worth describing, as i didn't actually took notice of the food catered there. I just picked three slices of watermelons and went back in. Talk about "diet", :|, but i ain't on one.
3) Caroling (Okay, not actually caroling, just singing Christian songs, XD
Songs, songs, yet more songs.
And i sang quite enthusiastically till Emmeric's brother asked me:
"What's your religion?"
And i was thinking secretly:
"Who the fuck cares? I could be an atheist too but how on earth does it matter?"
But what came out of my mouth was:
"I'm a buddhist."
He went quiet.
Sorry, but i don't quite like religion questions.
4) The 21st century version of the Birth of Jesus Christ act
An act brought to us by the church youth - can't say it was interesting, but can't say it isn't either.
No comments.
Next.. Umm, my memory about the next few events are kinda.. messy. So i'm not sure whether i missed out anything / messed up the sequence.
5) Musical presents
The game started with one person holding one present each.
The aim of the game? Pass the presents to the person on your left when the music starts, and stop passing when the music stops. Whichever person who's holding two or more presents gets "punished", and the punishment is up to the pastor of the church :|
As usual, i won't explain more about this event - perhaps i don't really like describing events, or i'm not skillful at doing it.
Ah well, nothing interesting happened after that, and we went home at around 2300.
Summary - Not-bad community, not-bad events, but i just didn't feel "fully fun" there. And i don't know the reason why.
And here's the present i got from the "Musical Presents", a cute little bear - i guess the "giver" is a girl, :|
Got a phone call from Teoh yesterday, informing me that he's back in SP, and asking whether i'm free on today morning.
Of course, i said yes. And i did my usual duty - to inform the other Sin Min players.
The worst part of it all is that i lost my frisbee member list the time i formatted my C drive (10th of December), so i had to dig out my memory for their names.
Aaron - he's in Australia.
Joe - couldn't come because he had to help in his grandma's business.
.. And so on ..
So i informed the backup players - those from Sg Pasir, Ibrahim and Sin Min Private.
And today?
The only Sin Min players who turned up were JiaWei and me.
And for the first time in my life, i wasn't disappointed at all - thanks to a few things.
1) My new Discraft
Actually i asked Teoh to help me get one since my black MyDisc broke into half last time. He brought it today and i was like so excited, constantly examining the good quality of the Discraft (which costed RM25 for one).
And here i start bragging about my new Discraft.
It's simply perfect in my opinion. The size, the material (It isnt as hard as MyDiscs), and the perfect balance. Sooo awesome, especially if you do long throws - they wont "get heavier on one side" and go out of bounds so easily.
Oh okay i'd better stop.
2) The Spirit of The Game (Again)
It's been so long since i really enjoyed frisbee - that was like so long ago where Teoh and Aaron were still in the game.
"Perfect passing, cool blocking, super-fast-running by Aaron, super-high-jumping-and-catching by me"
I miss those times, i really do.
Perhaps last time it was because Teoh was constantly asking us all to run instead of jog, or perhaps it was because games were more competitive last time when Aaron and I were at opposing teams. Either reason, i didn't really enjoy the slow-paced games - mostly caused by Jail and Joe.
But today's pickup was helluva change.
Met some new friends - Nigel, Eugene, Chandra, and another guy whom i forgot his name :|, and our team of 7 (final match's layout) consisted of: Me, Nigel, Eugene, Chandra, Ashraf, and JiaWei.
At least it wasn't only one team winning today - we got some wins and losses.
The game was fun yet tough, and i felt the consequences of the "tough"ness.
After passing the disc to my teammate, i started running towards the endzone, but tripped accidentally on the "I-forgot-his-name" guy's foot, which brought me diving to the ground, even sliding for a few inches after falling - ON THE HARD SANDY, PEBBLY GROUND.
Just my luck, my injury spots are the same as last time -
- Above elbow
- Side
- Palms.
Guess fun comes with a price after all.
With my enthusiasm of the game as a pain-killer, i continued the game as usual, with my role as the giraffe who catches the disc in the end-zone again.
Teoh revised the Horizontal Stack strategy with us five (Me, Nigel, Eugene, Chandra, Ashraf) whom are joining a tourney in Penang tomorrow. (For more details, check StarMetro - 17th December 2008 LAST page.)
"Aiya no need so tense la, we go there get experience nia" - So says one of the players.
Going for the tourney at the Polo Grounds tomorrow, so wish me luck (I know none of you will, XD), and don't expect me to be online before that night.
Till then, seeyah all.
One more thing - I get pissed really easy nowadays. Avoid asking me stupid questions or doing stupid things that'll annoy me till i'm normal again.
wooo so i no nid wish u luck la??*sweat* good luck la...XD I can feel it that u're damn pissed this few days..but i still will make smth stupid 4 ya!
good luck~
The same thing happened to me and it still is. I'm easily agitated by people making small talks or talk stupid stuffs.
Mind you, I can take jokes and foolish stuffs but not when people are making the little extra talk to me when they already knew the answer/response that they are going to get.
Eg. I just had two burgers. My mom came to ask me if I wanted some noodles because she's going into the kitchen and making one for my family. I said 'yes'. Then she asked 'you still can eat? sure boh? you just ate two burgers woh'. Now this is the kind moment where I would get a knife and slit someone's throat.
agree to fat, 0.0 somebody like to chat for nothing, hmm.. like emeric 0.0
'1,2,3,4,very man will 'ehem ' ..XD
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