The end, I guess, of another year! :D it's a few days more (weeks?) till the end of year 2012 - a great year, I believe, which taught me a lot, and changed me as a person.
Usually I'd have posted stuff like this on the last week of December, else the last day, but I guess I couldn't this time - as I'll be participating in a Hainanese International Youth Winter Leadership camp from the 20th to the 29th December, in China! *cheers*
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And no, I don't know how to prepare a Hainanese Chicken Rice meal. #photo: Google |
Let's see, where shall I start?
= Successfully completing my duty as a class representative
Truth be told, I have never been a class monitor for my whole life - kindergarten, primary school and highschool. Never. Prefect - yes, Librarian - yes, but never a class representative. Why? Because I used to think that class representatives were the poor ones, always trodden upon by classmates, and always the one to blame whenever something in class goes wrong.
I quote again, something I have quoted last year,
- "Are you our classrep?"
- "No, why?"
- "Because you look like one."
- "Har har. Nooo way."
That was kinda how I got elected as SN12R's classrep. And did I regret it, after one-and-a-half-years of service?
Also a first this year - I was elected as the President for the Class-Representatives Committee (CRC), a board that was just formed recently. Practically the jobscope was still small for now, as we're a new board with no funds, nothing. However, the post opened up a lot of possibilities for me, giving me a chance to interact with committee members from other societies, the runners of the SPUS office, and of course, my fellow juniors from the CRC.
= Taking two major exams in a year, and surviving to tell the tale
I took my Advanced Subsidiary examinations (AS) in May this year, and also my Advanced Level (A2) examinations just recently, around October. I can't say that I did perfect in those two exams, but I'm content with what I gave. Perhaps there're some parts where I could've did better, and parts where I've fell short of my own expectations, but as for now, I'm content.
= Gave impromptu speeches in two school events
Once (a very long time ago) an inferior person, I didn't really expect myself to be able to give impromptu speeches. I still vaguely remember the first time I walked into a Public Speaking audition in Form 3 last time. Heck, I looked at the topic I was supposed to talk about, and started hyperventilating right where I stood. That moment, I thought, public speaking ain't for me.
It soon came to my realisation that public speaking isn't about "showing off your English fluency" and stuff, no. Public speaking is general. It's the ability to express oneself in public, to make your point clearly to the audience. And that? I am proud to say that I have conquered my Form 3 fears, and spoke in a few events in school.
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For the Teacher's Appreciation Day event, thanking the teachers on behalf of all students. #photo: TARC |
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In the Bon Voyage Bash 2012, the farewell event for us seniors. #photo: Through My Viewfinder |
= Crowned one of the Grand Winners for National Geographic-Canon's Young Photographer Awards
I've blogged about the entire process already, it's here, so I'll just sum it all up in a tight nutshell.
Practically the win gave me a chance to listen to my first ever attended Photography seminar, by famed National Geographic photographer Ira Block, and yes, we got the chance to go up close and took photos with him.
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Ira and I, with my newly-gotten 600D :) |
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The full winner layout (SG and MY)! #photo: Dhanisha Ganase |
All in all, the experience was a great one, getting to know people like Ira Block, Jino Lee, Peiwen Loo, and not to forget, our photographer-in-disguise tourguide, Yoga Raharja. For more details, click here for the the full account of the Award+Trip :D
= Featured in a Digital Camera Magazine (April 2012 issue)
Alright, I'll be honest here - I have never, never in my life bought any digital photography magazines. Why? Because I don't think it's worth my money (I'm poor, *sob*). But nah, I never found the need to buy physical magazines when all you need can be hooked off from the Internet, eg Digital Photography School.
So the first time I bought a Digital Camera Malaysia Magazine from Kinokuniya, and decided joined one of its monthly challanges titled "City Life", fate surprised me by allowing my photo to be featured in the April 2012 issue of the magazine. It wasn't the first place, but I was content that my work gained some recognition, if any.
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Tada! |
= Embarked on a self-challenge photography project
Some of you might have noticed the album mentioned here, Beyond The Limits. It was a self-challenge started by my photography friend, Pei Khim and I - each of us would take turns alternatively to suggest a theme, and we have to try to produce a photo that complies with the theme. So far, our themes went as below:
1. Impression
2. Grand
3. Unedited
4. Wonder
5. Sepia
6. 20-Metres Challenge
7. 7-Minutes Mobile Phone Challenge
We've stopped for the time being to compensate for our A2 examinations and work, but the project will continue after we can find time out of our daily schedules :).
= Worked on my first actual freelance project
Embarrassing truth be told, I have never officially worked (whether part-time or full-time) in my life. I preferred the freelance path, having used to offering photography+Photoshop lessons in highschool, and also offering brochure and banner designs for clients.
This year, I started on a new project entirely - web design. I wasn't an exact professional at this, having gained some minor knowledge only by messing around with my blog's CSS and some HTML long ago, but that sufficient knowledge was, I believe, good enough for basic websites.
= Met the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge upclose!
This year, I started on a new project entirely - web design. I wasn't an exact professional at this, having gained some minor knowledge only by messing around with my blog's CSS and some HTML long ago, but that sufficient knowledge was, I believe, good enough for basic websites.
= Met the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge upclose!
A handshake, or a photo?
Plenty of friends asked me why didn't I go for a handshake with the Duke and Duchess themselves, and why did I go for taking photos instead. Well, I figured that if I wanted a handshake, I might not get it - because thousands of other people are also there for the same thing, and the Duke and Duchess have only a pair of hands each!
Plenty of friends asked me why didn't I go for a handshake with the Duke and Duchess themselves, and why did I go for taking photos instead. Well, I figured that if I wanted a handshake, I might not get it - because thousands of other people are also there for the same thing, and the Duke and Duchess have only a pair of hands each!
That's why I went for the photos.
And, capturing Princess Kate's awesome smile there? I'm glad I took the photo.
= Got my first DSLR
I have never ever expected to win the Natgeo-Canon YPA. That time I was still using my trusty Panasonic Lumix FZ-5, and was pondering which DSLR to buy - a Nikon D5100 or a Canon 550D. It was a blessing indeed, as fate guided me to win the coveted 600D that I currently use.
= Got my first own smartphone
A Galaxy Nexus, which I have decided to buy after getting my first pay for my freelance project. Am satisfied with the phone, and lovin' it :).
- I have learnt to reach out more to people.
- I have learnt that your day isn't determined by the events in it - but your attitude towards the events.
- I have learnt who my true friends are.
- I have learnt to give more than to receive.
- I have learnt to give appreciation and compliments to people who deserves it. Whether it's a smile, a thank-you note, a hug, it cost nothing, yet gives much.
- I have learnt that there's no harm in helping people, and karma usually gives you tonnes in return.
- I have learnt that no one is busy in this world - it's mainly all about priorities.
- "The better you become, the better you attract."
- I have experienced the kesianness of photographers - who's apparently always in none of the photos taken in an event.
- I have learnt that enthusiasm changes how you view everything.
- I have learnt to never judge friends by how they act or talk. There's always a hidden, pleasant side of them they'll reveal if you're close enough.
- I have learnt the joy (?) of staying from 9am - 9pm in the library with friends and classmates.
- I have changed, hopefully, into a better person.
Well, that's all. I think I kinda summed up my whole year 2012 in a compact nutshell. I may have missed out some parts and all - my memory ain't as good as before - so feel free to drop me a message etc, if you'd like to read more about any aspect / events in my year 2012!
A question to readers: How's your 2012 so far? Do post up comments, or better, blog about it! It's always good to exercise your writing-mind, and also your memory, by thinking back about all the stuff you did.
Will end this post, as usual, with a montage of my shots this year :)
For more of the photos shown below, do check out my Facebook profile! :D love ya!
Signing off,
hope the best for u in 2013 with more achievements!
Hello there, who're you, may I ask? :D
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