"Don't cry over something you've lost, 'cause you'll never know what great things you'll get after that." - Tweeted by IceGlacial on 6:02 PM Aug 13 2010.
Out of desperation, I posted a [WTB] P&S cam again as my facebook status - while Arct helped to repost it in his wall too, a few days ago -
And well, there's his friend, who's happens to be selling his camera, as he isn't using it anymore I think. Said he bought at around 2006-2007, and he'll sell to me for RM300, so I figured I'd check it out.
Turns out it's..

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5!
Weee :D :D :D!
The specs are pretty okay - and more importantly, comes with the manual mode that I'm searching for! The downside is that it's only 5MP - but well, it ain't so bad compared to the other features.
Who says you can't get a PASM-moded cammie at below RM400?
Thanks a lot in advance, hotcake :).
Still waiting for the camera to come, waiting waiting..
Pig! :D
mine's a Lumix too~~ XD
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