Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Friends Always?

Quoted from robin's karma.
So often we receive emails from friends that today (as in everyday) is an "International Friendship Day".

I always wonder why we have friends?

The most common type of friendships are friends of Utility.

Look around you. We want to have friends who can help us in our career (business acquaintance), our lifes, our cores and our work. Once they are not longer useful, we hardly keep in contact until we see them in the newspapers, or in the obituary. Haha.

This is the reason why tit-for-tat, an eye for an eye, not-nice-to-me-and-I-won't-too relationships will result in divorce and breakup.

The other type of friendship is one of convenience, just like office colleagues, being in the same boat at the same time and once off the boat, no more contact.

The third one is unconditional friendship, which doesn't have an hidden agenda and we accept whatever we are. The element of respect and loving kindness is the key to this type of friendship. Everyone claims to want a friend like that, but if you look carefully at all your friend now, how many are unconditional friend and how many are mainly behaving like the friend of utility.

This applies to relationships too.

Life is full of hidden agendas.


Robin CHAN said...

glad u like my post.. I am teaching in KL this Sat.. please see my blog for more info.

Zyee said...

friends are always~
and it is belong to you forever...
Just depend how you look...
I believe no wonder how far it is..frienships wont break up easily ^^