Guess there isn't anything much about my 17th birthday :) - it's just like it should be; simple, peaceful, and happy, just the way I wish it would be.
Simple - for there aren't any outings, nor any noisy celebrations to celebrate me getting old.
Peaceful - for everything went my way today, and that I didn't have any tuitions! :D
Happy - for everyone that showed love today, especially.
Signing off with a smile, gonna use my free Maxis-Maxis calls while I still can :). Love y'all.
- Ryo Helmenkalastaja.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
.. in life, the only thing that matters is knowing how to make decisions.
Sometimes, it all doesn't matter - talent, academics, social skills - all that matters is just knowing the right thing to do at the right moment, grabbing every single chance you have thrown at you.
Sometimes, decisions hurt, decisions do easily make you lose one of your close buddies, or it may be the biggest mistake that you've ever made in your life. But on the other hand, sometimes, moving on is just as easy.
Sometimes, I do admit that I've made wrong decisions in my life - being spiteful to those who don't deserve it, choosing to be the procrastinator that I now am.
Yet, I don't regret it, I just keep moving on.
I don't regret things that I have done in my life, but accept them happily - whether wrong or not, they make me who I am today.
At least I have the freedom of decision.
Freedom -
Sometimes, it all doesn't matter - talent, academics, social skills - all that matters is just knowing the right thing to do at the right moment, grabbing every single chance you have thrown at you.
Sometimes, decisions hurt, decisions do easily make you lose one of your close buddies, or it may be the biggest mistake that you've ever made in your life. But on the other hand, sometimes, moving on is just as easy.
Sometimes, I do admit that I've made wrong decisions in my life - being spiteful to those who don't deserve it, choosing to be the procrastinator that I now am.
Yet, I don't regret it, I just keep moving on.
I don't regret things that I have done in my life, but accept them happily - whether wrong or not, they make me who I am today.
At least I have the freedom of decision.
Freedom -
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Gah, another dude just offered me a second-handed DSLR camera for only RM850!

Sony Alpha a100!
Comes with 2 replacement lenses -
A Sony 18-55 lens:

Tamron 55-200 lens:

And a bag, Sony shutter-remote, and 1G+2G CF cards.
Now I don't know which one's the better choice.
Guess I'll go for the Lumix instead :D.
I quote,
Sony Alpha a100!
Comes with 2 replacement lenses -
A Sony 18-55 lens:
Tamron 55-200 lens:
And a bag, Sony shutter-remote, and 1G+2G CF cards.
Now I don't know which one's the better choice.
Guess I'll go for the Lumix instead :D.
I quote,
With great power comes great responsibility. -"Spiderman".
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Lumix Lumix!
"Don't cry over something you've lost, 'cause you'll never know what great things you'll get after that." - Tweeted by IceGlacial on 6:02 PM Aug 13 2010.
Out of desperation, I posted a [WTB] P&S cam again as my facebook status - while Arct helped to repost it in his wall too, a few days ago -
And well, there's his friend, who's happens to be selling his camera, as he isn't using it anymore I think. Said he bought at around 2006-2007, and he'll sell to me for RM300, so I figured I'd check it out.
Turns out it's..

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5!
Weee :D :D :D!
The specs are pretty okay - and more importantly, comes with the manual mode that I'm searching for! The downside is that it's only 5MP - but well, it ain't so bad compared to the other features.
Who says you can't get a PASM-moded cammie at below RM400?
Thanks a lot in advance, hotcake :).
Still waiting for the camera to come, waiting waiting..
Saturday, 28 August 2010
1Malaysia - My Piece of Mind
A dream.
A vision.
.. Well nope, it's still a dream after all. Guess it might sound great to many - a nation, formed by 3 major races, and other minor ethnic groups? It's basically anyone's (well, those with a sane mind anyway) greatest dream.
1Malaysia. One nation for everyone, one nation by everyone.
I don't think so D:

I've always admired the spirit of children - they don't care what race you are, they don't give a damn about your skin colour, they don't ask you which god do you pray to, nor care about the slang that you have, no. Place a group of multiracial children together and they wouldn't mind - as long as they can play happily with each other, they'll be content.
Try placing multiracial adults in a country instead.

My point?
The Siti Inshah Mansor case.
If I could have my say on this matter, and IF my opinion does make a change, I'd say this -
No matter who started this issue, no matter who should be blamed, name-calling is NOT going to solve the problem. Calling the Malays rude names, calling the Chinese pendatang harams, calling the Indians criminals..
It's just plain childish.
Asking the respective races to go back to their "own country" doesn't give you more brains either. Who could be sure that their race was the first to be set foot on our land? More importantly - What. The. Hell. Does it give you?
I am not proud of my race, nor disdainful towards other races.
I am not a Malay, not a Chinese, nor an Indian.
I am.. A Malaysian.
I have Malay and Indian friends, and trust me, they're no different than the Chinese.
- Ryo Helmenkalastaja.
P/S : Check out the late Yasmin Ahmad-directed commercials / videos on YouTube. Search for Tan Hong Ming, for one.
A vision.
.. Well nope, it's still a dream after all. Guess it might sound great to many - a nation, formed by 3 major races, and other minor ethnic groups? It's basically anyone's (well, those with a sane mind anyway) greatest dream.
1Malaysia. One nation for everyone, one nation by everyone.
I don't think so D:
I've always admired the spirit of children - they don't care what race you are, they don't give a damn about your skin colour, they don't ask you which god do you pray to, nor care about the slang that you have, no. Place a group of multiracial children together and they wouldn't mind - as long as they can play happily with each other, they'll be content.
Try placing multiracial adults in a country instead.
My point?
The Siti Inshah Mansor case.
If I could have my say on this matter, and IF my opinion does make a change, I'd say this -
No matter who started this issue, no matter who should be blamed, name-calling is NOT going to solve the problem. Calling the Malays rude names, calling the Chinese pendatang harams, calling the Indians criminals..
It's just plain childish.
Asking the respective races to go back to their "own country" doesn't give you more brains either. Who could be sure that their race was the first to be set foot on our land? More importantly - What. The. Hell. Does it give you?
Syair Jong Pecah
Assalamualaikum saya ucapkan,
Selamat sejahtera handai dan rakan,
Sebuah syair saya sajikan,
Bersama-sama kita renungkan.
Duhai dengarlah suatu cetera,
Di zaman dahulu sebuah negara,
Bangsa bijak gagah perwira,
Hidup bersatu aman sejahtera.
Berkali-kali dicuba musuh,
Negara dilanggar hendak diruntuh,
Berkat bersatu rakyat teguh,
Tetap berdaulat berdiri kukuh.
Hinggalah sampai saat yang gelap,
Entah di mana salah dan silap,
Entah siapa lalai dan lelap,
Rakyat berbalah daulat pun malap.
Jadilah kita bangsa terjajah,
Terjejas daulat tercemar maruah,
Politik rebeh ekonomi rebah,
Siang malam berhati gundah.
Kita dijajah empat kurun,
Ditambah empat puluh enam tahun,
Budaya dan ilmu setandus gurun,
Harga diri semakin turun.
Bangkit pahlawan demi pahlawan,
Berjuang merebut kemerdekaan,
Bunga bangsa gugur terkorban,
Harumnya lesap ditelan zaman.
Sampailah waktu rakyat jelata,
Berpadu erat seia sekata,
Tahan bahaya tahan derita,
Mendaulatkan kembali negara kita.
Tiga puluh tiga tahun sejak bergema,
Kata merdeka dilaung bersama,
Negara dan bangsa menempa nama,
Banyak impian telah terjelma.
Aduh mengapa kita berbalah,
Sama sendiri berpecah-pecah,
Kenyanglah yu bila jong pecah,
Hitamlah tanda dalam sejarah.
Ya Ilahi Tuhan yang rahman,
Teguhkan bangsaku di dalam iman,
Ke arah perpaduan berikan pedoman,
Agar sejahtera zaman berzaman.
Tamatlah sudah madah dan cetera,
Untuk renungan saudari saudara,
Bersatu bangsa teguh negara,
Wassalamualaikum, salam sejahtera.
I am not proud of my race, nor disdainful towards other races.
I am not a Malay, not a Chinese, nor an Indian.
I am.. A Malaysian.
I have Malay and Indian friends, and trust me, they're no different than the Chinese.
"Skin colour is just a piece of apparel - inside, we're all the same."
- Ryo Helmenkalastaja.
P/S : Check out the late Yasmin Ahmad-directed commercials / videos on YouTube. Search for Tan Hong Ming, for one.
Friday, 20 August 2010
Eye Eyee Eyeee
Can't wait for September's Raya holidays :).
Will be in KL perhaps - with the rest of the family being there too - and might take a trip-aka-hunt to comb camera shops of their cameras.
Till then, I'm left with nothing to record anything that passes through the windows of my soul.
Oh wait, speaking of my eyes..
Just got hit by a full-force Frisbee disc thrown at 2m distance, straight at my right eye. Can't deny that it hurts mucho, xD.
And now I'm left with a free perma-eyeshadow on my right eye.
New wallpaper for my desktop:

Neways, will be away again for a while - trials are starting next week, and I know I'm not supposed to be here now. Oh well. XD.
Will be in KL perhaps - with the rest of the family being there too - and might take a trip-aka-hunt to comb camera shops of their cameras.
Till then, I'm left with nothing to record anything that passes through the windows of my soul.
Oh wait, speaking of my eyes..
Just got hit by a full-force Frisbee disc thrown at 2m distance, straight at my right eye. Can't deny that it hurts mucho, xD.
And now I'm left with a free perma-eyeshadow on my right eye.
New wallpaper for my desktop:

Neways, will be away again for a while - trials are starting next week, and I know I'm not supposed to be here now. Oh well. XD.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
An empty vodka bottle
Forsaken by it's owner
who used to cradle it
As though
his life depended on it
Never knowing
he'd never come back
Never knowing
he was already gone.
By the way, I just watched Hachiko - A Dog's Story yesterday. Awesome movie, I have to admit.
One of the few movies that can actually make me cry.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
I never knew I was so fragile - physically and emotionally, until today.
Stand up and fight, Ryo.
Aku kuat ni!
Friday, 16 July 2010
Brands, Pricetags
Firstly, I understand why people look at brands or pricetags at first. It's natural instinct - like looking at a person, and the first thing you notice is their face - you don't notice their character, or their beauty within.
Thing is, people like this are getting more and more abundant on the surface of our planet - which used to be inhabited by humans.
Well sigh yeah, I'm about to drone on about cameras and photography again - don't faint. Please XD.
My point is - after looking at a pretty, tack-sharp, bokeh-effect, photo, most people's first thought will be - "DSLR. Wish I have one so that I can take photos like that."
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but click on THIS LINK and say that to the photos you see in there, XD.
DSLRs do NOT guarantee pretty photos, and cheap digicams do NOT mean crappy lousy photos, jeez.
Recently got into an argument with one of my friends - all because he/she (not gonna disclose) ass-kisses branded DSLRs blindly, and says that normal digicams just won't have the same quality, and that he/she's not gonna use Photoshop at all.
Neways, I just came back from Jubli Perak (revisited), and posted up some photos on Facebook. The link's - here. And mind that I wrote "Now with a DSLR." in the album's caption. But well, it's actually just my same old BenQ c850.

You won't write better essays by using a Parker.
Signing out,
Thing is, people like this are getting more and more abundant on the surface of our planet - which used to be inhabited by humans.
Well sigh yeah, I'm about to drone on about cameras and photography again - don't faint. Please XD.
Point-and-Shoot Cameras
Practically the lightweight and commonest camera found. Most families have one so as to make happy memories stay onfilmmemory cards.
Compact Digicams
Similar body to the conventional point-and-shoot cams, but bigger. Quality? Side-by-side to a DSLR. Versatility - high. For those who have a handful of crisp cash in their pockets.
High in demand, high in production today. Most people think that Canon and Nikon are the leading brands - while disregarding others. How about Pentax? Sony?
My point is - after looking at a pretty, tack-sharp, bokeh-effect, photo, most people's first thought will be - "DSLR. Wish I have one so that I can take photos like that."
Well, sorry to disappoint you, but click on THIS LINK and say that to the photos you see in there, XD.
DSLRs do NOT guarantee pretty photos, and cheap digicams do NOT mean crappy lousy photos, jeez.
Recently got into an argument with one of my friends - all because he/she (not gonna disclose) ass-kisses branded DSLRs blindly, and says that normal digicams just won't have the same quality, and that he/she's not gonna use Photoshop at all.
Neways, I just came back from Jubli Perak (revisited), and posted up some photos on Facebook. The link's - here. And mind that I wrote "Now with a DSLR." in the album's caption. But well, it's actually just my same old BenQ c850.
You won't write better essays by using a Parker.
Signing out,
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Friends Always?
Quoted from robin's karma.
So often we receive emails from friends that today (as in everyday) is an "International Friendship Day".
I always wonder why we have friends?
The most common type of friendships are friends of Utility.
Look around you. We want to have friends who can help us in our career (business acquaintance), our lifes, our cores and our work. Once they are not longer useful, we hardly keep in contact until we see them in the newspapers, or in the obituary. Haha.
This is the reason why tit-for-tat, an eye for an eye, not-nice-to-me-and-I-won't-too relationships will result in divorce and breakup.
The other type of friendship is one of convenience, just like office colleagues, being in the same boat at the same time and once off the boat, no more contact.
The third one is unconditional friendship, which doesn't have an hidden agenda and we accept whatever we are. The element of respect and loving kindness is the key to this type of friendship. Everyone claims to want a friend like that, but if you look carefully at all your friend now, how many are unconditional friend and how many are mainly behaving like the friend of utility.
This applies to relationships too.
Life is full of hidden agendas.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
"The Shot"
"It’s something we photographers all hope for. The thing we strive to achieve every time we pick up the camera. The one image that could possibly define who we are as a photographer, and maybe even our careers.
Since then, it’s become my signature image. Have I shot anything worthwhile since then? I think so. Have I shot anything to top it? That’s debatable… But I’ll keep trying."
- Scott Kelby, Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider, 9 July 2010.
The shot.
Almost every professional photographer - like what Scott Kelby says, have a photograph that somehow defines them - their career, their skills, their passion.
Curiosity (and of course, ego, XD) brought me to browsing through my photo albums in my computer, just to search for my "shot" - the photo, or photos, that define my photography - photos that define me.
Neways, my schedule's preventing me from venturing further away from home - hence, no fresh photos.
What do you think?
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Just :)

My friends - I love them :)
I haven't been updating my blog for so long, and I guess that I've lost the momentum to do so already. The regular bloggers from two years ago.. None are as active as they used to be anymore, while the remaining blogs mostly contain emonal (hormonal + emo) chinese stuff.
I guess that brings me to minute-blogging through Facebook, XD.
It's time to wear my shoes again and take the next big marathon of life.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
- 幾米
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Dedicated.. To a close friend.
As I walked through this door
I heard not one sound in the house
I thought maybe I’d get away tonight
Without worrying where to hide
But I was wrong...
As I walk down this hallway
As glad as I could be
As I opened the kitchen door
You loudly popped out at me
Yells went around, hits got thrown
One of us was standing
And one of us was down
I don’t say anything
I just lay here crying
To weak to even speak
Waiting for daddy to come home
But he’s not.
So while you’re hitting me
I’m thinking...
Maybe it’s to teach me a lesson
Maybe to show me the pain you feel
Or maybe because you’re too heartless to realize
So as I hold my breath
Wishing to fade away
I know you did this for a reason
That maybe I’ll understand someday
But until then mommy
As you fight me
To only see me not fighting back
I hope you learn
that abusiveness..
Can only make you lose everything
That ever tried to love you
So maybe mommy
As you’re standing
Over my casket
You're thinking
Maybe I shouldn’t have..
But I’ll never know
What you think mommy.
So coming from your little girl
I forgive.
Adapted and edited from:
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