Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Where is When?
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
A Simple Memento
The quiet hum of the two heavy-duty air-conditioners in the corner of the library.
Just another day in school.
Just another Wednesday, I told myself.
Well, I hoped so.
Before I realised that today brought me far more enemies and sadness than yesterday.
Do they exist?
Is a friend..
Someone that used to say he's my best friend last year, but now torments me through friends, because of a conflict weeks ago?
Or is a friend..
Someone that doesn't speak a word to you, because of just a minor misunderstanding?
A simple memento, reminding me silently that friendship does exist.
Thanks, Clarissa, and you too, Abby.
Signing off silently,
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
The Broken Chess Piece
It was God's turn. He set a chess piece on the board, looking at it stand proudly on the board. Full of stability.
Then it was Death's turn. Without remorse, Death flicked a chess piece off the board with his finger.
As the chess piece went flying and broke into pieces on the floor, Death sniggered - prompting God to continue the game.
But God just looked silently at the broken chess piece, and for the first time, God shed some tears.
Another life was taken away from my life - another life of a good person that was - as people use to say, "taken too soon". It was a complete deja vu as I woke up at 6am this morning to the sounds of Mom knocking frantically on my bedroom door.
"大姨姨 had just passed away, I'm going to the hospital now" - Mom's eyes were bloodshot, and she looked frantic, even lost, when she told me that.
And so, Mom drove to the hospital, while I had no choice but to sit for the Biology papers I have in school.
With disturbed emotions.
I imagine faceless people asking me the question, "Are you close to your aunt?", but I just couldn't answer, I couldn't. The only memories of my aunt was that she was a kick-ass good cook, a widowed mother, and she has a loud voice. Seriously loud.
Who cares? I still appreciate her as my aunt. My mother's sister.
A few days ago, she had been diagnosed with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a disease that, well, deteriorates the organs in one's body - especially vital organs. Doctors incorrectly suspected that my aunt has a heart problem at first, which perfectly makes sense now.
Quote: Wikipedia - Systemic lupus erythematosus
Common initial and chronic complaints include fever, malaise, joint pains, myalgias, fatigue, and temporary loss of cognitive abilities. Because they are so often seen with other diseases, these signs and symptoms are not part of the diagnostic criteria for SLE. When occurring in conjunction with other signs and symptoms, however, they are considered suggestive.
And since that, she has been warded, with Mom bringing her home-cooked porridge, mee hoon, and fruits everyday.
Just yesterday, Mom was telling us that aunt's health is already improving, that she's eating normally already.
Well, the winds of fate.. Changed direction today, I guess.
I pondered silently while I looked at my Biology test paper, not taking in a word of it.
First my grandma, then my uncle, then now my aunt? Death must be having the time of his life, flicking chess pieces off the board gleefully - I mused to myself.
Three deaths, three loved ones who passed away - and their way of death was almost the same - "Her condition is improving already", and they're gone the next day. Why though? Perhaps it's just a momentary relief, to allow them to go.. in peace?
Questions, frightening statements popped up in my head - One by one, chess pieces get flicked off the board, and it might not be long till someone really close..
Someone once told me - "As years pass, you - as a teen - are growing up to the best part of your life, while adults though, take a step closer to the end of the road."
The end of the road.
I realise that there was a teardrop on my Biology paper, blotching some of the ink.
.. God's tears, or mine? ..
Rest in peace, aunt.
Quote (Credits go to Robin33)
我心热如火,My heart is filled with fire,
不是热他人,Not to warm any others,
看看轮到我。But to look at my own destiny.
Staying strong, holding on,
- Ryo.
Thursday, 27 August 2009
PhotoPost : Trip to KL
Just a trip with my family to KL - nothing really extraordinary, except for the fact that I have a Digicam with me this time (Not mine actually..).
Here goes.
Some pic I took while on the highway just to test the colours..
And the hotel where we were staying in Cameron. And oh yeah, I drove my dad's Volvo 940 Turbo up Cameron Highlands.
The cutest baby award!
And, we went to the bee farm..
Bahaya! Lebah SENGAT! God.
We picked some strawberries at the farm too..
.. Before going to the waterfall there (No idea what it's called)
Some weird thing growing on the floor.
We crashed at my sister's place in KL the next day.
And had some potatoes (Random?!)
Yeah, this is random indeed.
And here's finally some photos on the last day of the trip.
I guess you could guess what happened.
Tow truck to the rescue!
Tow truck going against traffic on a highway!
And we ended up facing the opposite direction too.
Till we reached a car-repair shop in Taiping.
And oh, these are the cats we
Wtf, dead giraffe?
And so I ended up reading some maths notes (My sister's legacy - according to her)
Before we took a cab to the nearest bus station.
Oh come on, you know deep down in your heart that there has to be a similar picture as this..
Ahh, here's for the cutest kitten for the day!
And what on earth is this?!
Once again, sorry for the lack of words. I'm plain
Seeyah all years later.
Monday, 4 May 2009
*Knock Knock*, You There?
Firstly, an *emo* picture made using PhotoShop..

How weird.
And, an amazing disclaimer by a Chinese-Flute site (
Disclaimer: Everything on this website ( is provided AS IS. This website ( has done the very best to make sure that all information is correct, all words spelt corectly, and that the colors are comfortable enough for the viewers' eyes. However, in the event of a mistake in the information provided within this website, we cannot take responsibility. For example, if a chinese flute causes your dog run in circles, we cannot take responsibility, nor if you find that you can't stop playing the chinese flute, we also disclaim all responsibility for that. Basically, anything that happens as a result of this website, or as a result of chinese flutes, we cannot take responsibility for. Thank you for understanding.
Next to come is my submitted essay for the school magazine for 2009..
*Essay Starts Here*
“Never, ever going to be your friend anymore!”
I was an eight-year-old primary student again, glaring in anger at another boy of the same age as I am – Meng. Meng had tears in his eyes, listening in silence as I shouted at him at the top of my voice, which was loud enough for those sitting near us to shoot scandalized glances at us. Moments ago, as Meng and I finally bought our food after queuing up at the canteen, Meng tripped on the uneven canteen floor tiles and knocked my just-opened packet of Chipsmore chocolate cookies out of my hands. Doubtlessly, the cookies sailed through the air and ended up in bits on the floor later.
That evil, bad, fooli-
“Sorry..” Meng’s little voice cut past all the curses and swear words dashing through my mind. His eyes penetrated into mine, pleading for forgiveness, begging me silently not to shout at him like what I am doing now. However, I did not feel any remorse towards the boy – I gave him a hard shove in the chest, and stormed away, with my back turned towards him, determined to show my temper.
Meng looked as any other kid in school would look like – normal, except for the fact that he suffered from a serious mental disorder. From what Meng’s mother told me when I went over to his house to play, Meng was an autistic child, and his mentality would never surpass that of a four-year-old child. Not being able to understand what Meng’s mother told me at the time, I just shrugged and thought to myself: Whatever, he’s still my friend.
Since the first day I met Meng, we were both the best of buddies – no one else would take him as a friend except for me. Most of the other students gave him looks that plainly showed disgust and contempt. Some of the boys in our class were not adept in hiding their cruelty – they called Meng all sorts of nicknames because of his unfortunate brain development disorder. “Freak”, “Kindergartener”, “Stupid”… Poor Meng – not understanding the meanings of most of the nicknames – usually gave them a cheery grin in return. He had no choice but to endure this mean discrimination for more than one year since he entered primary school.
As Meng’s best friend, I had the unspoken responsibility to help him in many of his matters in school – by explaining a single sentence to him numerous times, teaching him the correct way of pronouncing the word “friendship”, coaching him on how to get the answer “15” after adding 7 and 8… I did everything in my ability to ensure that he caught up what the teacher teaches every day. I had even sacrificed my relaxation time by reading out simple stories to amuse him, while improving his weak vocabulary at the same time. I tried my best to help him, and to prove that he – no matter what anyone says – could have the ability to think like a normal child. My mind told me that it was impossible to achieve my goal, yet my heart encouraged me to do everything in my abilities and hope for a miracle.
Occasionally after school, we would even venture to the fruit orchard nearby to steal some fruits. After every single theft, I would always remind Meng, “Always keep this a secret, alright, Meng? A secret means that you must not tell anyone about it”. Meng would always reply with in a secretive manner, “Secret, secret, shhh…” I could not help but chuckle at Meng’s “cute antics” – as I called it. One day in school, our assignment for the day was to stand in front of the class and tell everyone about our best friend. Undoubtedly, when it was Meng’s turn, my name was somehow included in his speech as being his best friend in school.
“Ryo is my best-est friend. He helps me in homework, and...”
Little did he know that the other pupils were suddenly gazing in admiration at the boy, whom they called a “Kindergartener” last time able to speak so confidently in front of the class despite the grammar mistakes he was making; Little did he know that the teacher was star-struck at his progress in oral fluency; Little did he know that.. Little did he know that I was so touched that I was nearly in tears after listening to his simple speech about me – his best friend.
Two days after the cookie incident, I went to the canteen as usual to buy food again, though this time without the presence of Meng at my side. I bought the same brand of Chipsmore cookies as I did before, tore it open, but as fate would have it, the newly-opened packet of cookies flew out of my hand as a big-sized fifth-grader stormed past, knocking me in the shoulder.
What do Chipsmore cookies have against me these days?!
“Ryo…” I looked up from the broken chunks of cookies on the floor, just to see Meng standing beside me, a sad expression on his face. “What do you want?” I asked him in a rude tone.
“Umm... Umm…” Meng fidgeted with something behind his back, before grabbing my hands and stuffing something into my palms. It was none other than a new packet of Chipsmore cookies. I was momentarily stymied by his act.
“Cookies for you, I buy it. Can… Can you be my best *friend-ship* again?” Meng stuttered.
“What?” I asked, unable to believe my ears.
“Can you be my best friend-ship again? Please?” Meng said again in a more confident tone, his dark brown eyes looking into mine – pleading, apologizing. “I’m sorry that day…”
It was my fault at first, I should be apologizing to him!
“Why not?” I replied with a grin, as I gave him a one-armed-hug, slapping him playfully in the back.
Till now, every time I hear the words “Best Friend”, my thoughts would always stray back to my primary school years, to an autistic child named Meng that changed my narrow-minded perspective of the definition of “friends”.
A friend might not be someone perfect, neither someone flawless;
A friend might hurt you sometimes, but if only they accidentally do so;
A friend listens silently when you scold them, even if you’re actually the one in the wrong;
A friend gives you the chance to be friends again after you two had a row.
A friend is… An angel sent from heaven.
To my dear best friend – Meng, you might not be perfect mentally, but in terms of friendship - you're more than perfect.
*Essay Ends Here*
And uhh, lastly, some updates of my life.
The dust is finally settling down - contests, duties, etc, etc, are ending one by one. The only few pins left in my
Oh, yeah. English debate.
Ain't it so unfair? I mean, this is like only my FIRST time debating in my entire life, and I'm already pushed to the front line? Can anyone spell "public stoning"? Freak, for one - I have stage-fright. Second - I don't know the freaking do-dont's for debating. Third - I hate debating.
Oh well..
Total topics owned (Audition stage):
"The ends do justify the means" - Government.
"Time is of more importance than money" - Government.
Topics in preparation for the actual competition:
"More emphasis should be given in overcoming disciplinary problems in school" - Government.
"Information Technology (IT) has made people more civilised" - Government.
"What you reap is what you sow" - Government.
"Time is of more importance than money" - Unknown stand yet.
Competition date's set on the 10th and 11th of May. P.O.I.! Denied.
On a happier tone, I just got a new pendrive (Kingston DataTraveler 4GB) for RM17, and a HP (Brand) USB Fan as a lucky draw prize.
Exact model of my new pendrive.
The USB fan. Mine's black instead of blue.
Till then, fellas! Won't be back till after my exams perhaps (Or the mid-term holidays). Wish my blog doesn't get rusty as it did.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
A Looooong Hiatus
I don't think that I'd be blogging much from now on. What with extra responsibilities, extra homework, extra sports, extra commitments etc.. I just can't seem to find time for my computer, and also for the internet.
My first year of blogging in BlogSpot was a great experience - the feeling of writing on a wall where no one gives a d*** what you write. Uhh well, perhaps there are.
Well, I'd like to thank all loyal readers of my blog, and I'd like to thank my blog itself for willing to listen to what I say.
Rest assured, I ain't dying.
Just a break from my blogging.
And a break from my computer.
To make place for more involvement in real life and friends.
If anyone would like something done (Be it amateur blog-managing, amateur blog-designing, or any other amateur stuff that I could do), send me a message in my personal mobile. Will reply in maximum 5 hours or money-back guarantee.
Till then, fellas!
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Successful - I Guess So
".. Two tigers with one eye each .."
Now that I've captured your attention, I'll start my ranting about what I did today.
We'll get back to the green giraffe part later shall we?
For today morning (8.00am - 12.30pm), the executive council of librarians or whatever-the-hell-you-call-it organized an orientation session for new - in other words: Form 1 and 2 -
Well, me and Andrea cycled together to school on 7am (No, this isn't a love story) to do some last-minute planning (as in.. playing frisbee together!), before we were joined later by some other friends at around 7.30am. Frisbee tournament starts officially.
*Time leap*
All our junior librarians were standing ready in 5 groups - according to their DoD (Day of Duty) - at the basketball court, while the teacher stood on stage as she gave them a briefing. What she didn't know was there was a *pile* of
After introducing ourselves to them, we started our first planned activity for the day - ice-breaking.
The game - which was Andrea's idea - goes like this:
1) A weird story (the weirder the better) is written by 5 exco members on paper. A question is then picked for the story, and is not disclosed to non-exco members.
2) The story is then shown to each group leader (5 total)
3) The group leader memorizes the story, returns the papers, and the game starts.
1) The group members line up.
2) The group leader brings one member (I'll call him "A" shall I?) away from hearing-distance of the other members, and tells him / her the story which he memorized just now.
3) "A" then talks to "B" in private, telling him / her the same story.
4) And so on and so forth.
5) The final member is
".. A green giraffe with two tails .."
".. Two tigers with one eye each .."
Still remember that?
That's part of the story I made up, which is considered quite easy compared to the others.
My question..
.. "How many legs are there in total?"
The 5 DoD groups are then led up to the library, where we taught them the basics of counter-managing, books-processing, and of course, snake-eating.
Geez, I'm SO lazy to elaborate more! That's why I hate writing what-I-did posts.
*Skips a damn large part of the story*
All in all, a successful orientation. Felt kinda satisfied when the teacher praised us for our commitment in making it a success.
I love working with my excos indeed.
"MIND THE POO!!" (Refer to top)
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Why Do We Shout..?
The disciples thought for a while, and one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.'
'But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you?' asked the wise man. 'Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?'
Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the wise man.
Finally he explained, 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.'
Then the wise man asked, 'What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small...'
The wise man continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.'
MORAL: When you argue do not let your hearts get distant, do not say words that distance each other more, else a day will come when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.
Stolen with permission from robin's blog-post at
Thanks for the lessons, robin.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Hope - Essay by IceGlacial @ ryho
*** Start of Story ***
Hope and I were giggling giddily – immersed in our own world, climbing up the slide and sliding down the other side. We never felt bored doing this daily routine, not when we can enjoy the warmth of the sun shining down on our backs, while competing among each other for the title of “Fast-Slider” – whoever climbs up the slide faster than the other.
“Slowpoke, slowpoke, I’m the faster one!” I taunted Hope who was swaying a little as she stood high upon the side – little did I know that she was already dizzy.
As she tried to imitate me running down the slide previously, Hope gave an “Oh!” of shock before she fell on the hard, tarmac floor.
Blood trickled out of her grazed knee and elbows profusely. As I crouched beside her, I felt slightly nauseous – I was never fascinated with the sight of blood. I was momentarily clueless of what to do.
“It’s just a little blood. Come, hop to my back and I’ll carry you home,” I told her, before carrying her piggy-back to her house – which was luckily nearby.
I could remember that event as though it was yesterday. The sound of us giggling during that sunny day was still audible in my mind – even though it was something that happened almost seven years ago.
I knew Hope Laurens since an early age – we were playmates when we were kids, we were friends when we were preschoolers, and we were real buddies when we entered primary school. The similarity between us – neither had any other siblings in our family.
The one-year age gap between us did not matter much. In fact, Hope was like a younger sister to me – a sister that I cared for more than anyone in my life, while she took me as an elder brother whom she confided to every time she felt sad, lonely or depressed. This went on for years and years since we entered primary school – she would tell me about her friends in school, complain about how the boys in her class bullies her, voicing out how she thinks that she does not fit in among her friends… I would always be her only listener, her only confidant, her only shoulder to cry on, though I never complaint of playing this role – on the contrary, I appreciated the trust she put in me so greatly.
Things were as perfect as I could wish for – everything was still the same as she got into the same secondary school as I did. But then, my feelings for her were not just the “old brotherly feelings” – as I call it – anymore. In fact, I was actually increasingly attracted to her in a way that I have never been before. I have been looking for chances to walk with her, grabbing every available chance to talk with her… In fact, I would even get tongue-tied every time we spoke – a huge giveaway that I was having a crush on her. My crush on her seemed unnoticed – or I thought it was.
On Valentine’s Day, I bought a single box of expensive chocolates and a silver locket that read “You and Me Forever” without my parents’ knowledge. After wrapping them using some fancy wrapping paper, I placed the package on Hope’s table in her classroom, along with a note that goes:
None other than my ideal
This box of chocolates is as sweet
As the love I have for you
From: Your SECRET admirer.
That night, my cell phone rang unexpectedly while I was gradually drifting to dreamland – It was Hope.
“.. Thanks a lot for the gifts, Ryo, and there’s no need to pretend you know nothing about it” she said once I picked up.
“I... How did you know about it?” I asked.
“Oh, it’s nothing actually, an angel told me when I read the note,” Hope said with a mischievous tone in her voice.
“But... But...” I stammered – my cover was blown.
Hope cut my stammering short. “Honestly, Ryo, did you think that I haven’t noticed the signs? You were always laughing at jokes that I cracked even though it’s not funny, and you lose on purpose in every game we play together...”
That was a year ago. Since that Valentine incident, I was officially “dating” Hope Laurens; we were like paper and glue – inseparable. It was a relationship that most people would kill for.
One day, Hope came to me, clutching a newspaper cutting in her hand, asking me to read it. It was an article, stating that school-crushes would usually not last long – it ends through several ways such as economical problems, emotional problems and even academic problems. As I finished reading the short article, I looked up – just to see that Hope’s eyes were bloodshot.
“You won’t... You won’t leave me, will you?” Hope asked me in a trembling voice.
“Of course I won’t; haven’t we agreed before that we’re special? We won’t fall apart because of those petty problems, trust me.” I said, while wiping away Hope’s tears with my left thumb, while running the fingers of my right hand through Hope’s silky hair. Little did I know that I was making a promise that I would soon break; little did I know that we both aren’t so “special” after all. But the sight of Hope breaking into a reassured smile drove those thoughts from my mind that moment.
That was just a month ago. Since then, I have been secretly dreading the day that we might fall apart. I did not tell Hope this, however, but treated her just the same as before – and if possible, better. I would not let our relationship fall apart. I would work hard to ensure that we were indeed, in a word – special.
At the same time, I craved deeply for what they called “coolness” at school. For once, I did not want to be just a normal boy in school – I wanted fame, I wanted reputation. That was about the time that I met Bart Lewinsky. Bart was everything I wanted to be – wearing expensive designer clothes and denim jeans, having a superbike of his own, with everybody thinking anything he does is “cool”…
“Hi Bart, my name is Ryo. Mind being friends?”
That marked the first step of me being classified in school as “popular”. From that day on, I was part of Bart’s “clique”, along with his other cool friends. My school life was instantaneously transformed – people noticed me more than ever, people would praise me as they did to Bart before, I was encircled by girls wherever I went... I was slowly becoming a proud monster, enjoying this new experience for once in my life – even if it means hurting Hope.
One day, as I walked past the locker rooms along with my newfound clique, Hope came over to me, asking for a private word. I shrugged and followed her away from my “gang”.
“Ryo, you’ve changed… And I hate the new you, I really do. Where’s the old you that I knew so well…?” she said to me, tears glistening in her electric blue eyes, before continuing, “If you continue being like this, I don’t think I’d like us to be together anymore… It hurts…”
“So what?! I can do whatever I like and you have no right to ask me to change! Leave if you don’t like it then, who cares for a common girl like you anyway?” I shouted, loud enough for everyone in the locker room to listen. Hope just stood there with her head bowed, her curtain of raven-coloured hair concealing her face. Her tears were dripping to the smooth marble floor, beside the Nike sneakers that I bought for her as a birthday gift last year.
Remorseless, I left her standing there as I rejoined my group, who were all cheering at my “manly act”. I forced a smile as we laughed and joked together as usual, trying to act as though the scene just now was non-existent.
That night, however, as I mulled over the day’s happenings, I felt sickened by my own act that time – spilling my nastiness on my best friend, Hope. She used to be my best friend, we used to have fun together, to laugh together... And I reminded myself that I even gave her a Valentine’s gift – the precious silver locket. Due to my pride, I had humiliated her in front of my friends. I had severed the connection between us. I had ruined our relationship single-handedly.
Three days has passed, and I haven’t seen Hope – either in school or outside school. My phone calls to her were answered by an answering machine, where I left several messages apologizing to her. None of them were ever replied. On the third night, I felt that I should apologize in person instead.
Driving my dad’s Mustang over to a florist shop, I purchased a bouquet of roses, along with an “I’m sorry” note. Then, I drove over to Hope’s house, averting my eyes from some couples holding hands on the roadside, averting my eyes from a terrible accident near the playground that me and Hope used to go to – my current aim was to get to Hope’s house, and to Hope’s house only. Period.
When I got there, I knew that something was wrong immediately. A police officer was talking to Hope’s mother – who was sobbing uncontrollably, while Hope’s father was sitting on the front steps of his house, head buried in his hands.
Snatches of the conversation were audible as I drew nearer to Hope’s mother.
“… terrible… speeding vehicle… crashed… playground…”
My stomach lurched nervously as I pieced the words together to form a sentence.
“Officer, what’s wrong?” I asked with a shaking voice as I stood beside the police officer.
“Sir, do you know Hope Laurens?” he inquired in a professional manner.
“Yes, I’m her friend.” I replied.
“Well, she was involved in a car accident, and her car was found near the local playground,” he continued, “Passers-by said that her car was rammed by a speeding driv –”
But I wasn’t listening anymore. I hopped into the Mustang and drove back to the accident scene where I have passed earlier. The scene was disastrous – the driver’s side of one car had been rammed into by another car. The windshields were shattered and broken glass fragments were scattered on the tarmac road. I looked around the scene, and I saw what I feared – Hope’s lifeless body on the road, while a medic knelt beside her.
Hope was covered in blood. There were gashes across her beautiful face – bloody gashes that cut deep into her. Her crimson hands, however, was clutched across a single object on her chest. As I prised open her grip, a locket was uncovered beneath them – the silver locket that I gave her on Valentine’s Day previously. Tears of regret fell freely from my eyes, blurring my vision.
“Please… No… Hope, please don’t leave me… I’m so sorry…” I sobbed, grasping Hope’s lifeless, cold, and blood-covered hands.
“It’s no use, lad. She died on impact already as the speeding vehicle slammed into her car just now,” the medic beside me said, putting a hand on my shoulder, calming me down. But I just could not.
“It’s just a little blood. Come, hop to my back and I’ll carry you home…”
But this time I could not do that anymore.
Tears flowed down my eyes as I put a bouquet of white roses on the headstone, uttering my final goodbye to Hope Laurens. I wanted to let her know that I was sorry, and that I have loved her all along, but it is already too late.
She died, taking a part of my heart away with her.
She died on the night that I attempted to say sorry, in a car accident involving a speeding driver.
She died not knowing that I was sorry for my actions.
She died too soon.
*** End of Story ***
Yuck, I realised that every girl in my stories seem to die at the end. Sorry girls, no sexism intended, XD. Damn it, I realised that my stories are mostly towards the "love" side too. Gotta change.
On another hand, I've been "appointed" page + graphic designer for JuzBreaD-CraZy's blog! In case you're wondering about this logo there..
It's originally mine. The sword + wings logo was a creation of mine. Try not to go around with ideas that I somehow stole their logo, XD.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
The Snake And The Eagle
One day, a man saw an eagle holding a wiggling snake in her beak. The eagle has caught a new prey and is fighting hard to keep the snake in position. There are some stones on the ground.
What would you do if you saw such a sight? Would you…
1. Do nothing and watch the snake suffer;
2. Pick up a stone and throw at the eagle so that she will release the snake.
And if you decide to take a stone and throw it at the eagle, you missed. What will you then do? Would you…
2.1 Pick up another stone and another stone until you manage to fulfill your objective;
2.2 Do nothing and watch the snake suffer.
Depending on your beliefs and value systems, which action will you choose?
And if you understand the teaching of wisdom, compassion and impermanence, how will that affect your choice?
The answer you decide will determine your outlook on life and how you manage to achieve happiness in this world of suffering.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Abstract Picture?
Here's my first ever abstract picture - created entirely by myself.
[Click on the image for a larger resolution]

PhotoShop - a waste of time perhaps?
Whatever, to me, PhotoShop still rocks, especially with what I'm going through in life right now..
Here's the to-do list I made for myself on the 10th of January.
= Have another 90+% in my English paper. (Unachieved yet)
= Learn up a new instrument. (Started - Flute)
= Join the choir. (Plan cancelled)
= Get a nice position in whichever organization / society I'm joining now. (Is deputy chairman considered okay?)
= Have a frisbee pickup at least once this year.. (Achieved)
Thursday, 19 February 2009
The Fascination of Teaching
And I found out the fascination of teaching - the contentment of teaching, only when I got into my Form 4 life.
How so?
Well firstly, me and Jail - my band electric guitarist - had a plan early this year: That is, to start up a guitar class so as to get more people interested in guitar. The want to "make-another-person-good-in-guitar" feel is one, and the want to earn extra income is another.
Actually, the fees weren't my idea - I don't want money, I don't crave for money. But oh well, seeing as quite many people were interested in learning up guitar for RM15 instead of the pricey fees outside, I'm not complaining am I?
How did we do it?
Just last Valentine's-day-cum-school-sport's-day - 14 February - we had our first meeting at my house at 2pm to 4pm (But they went home around 5 something). And I could only say it was quite successful - where new learners learn up REAL fast.
Imagine this situation - 7
We had Theh - who already has the basics already, so we're teaching him some power chords and singing while strumming.
We had Chiayong - a new beginner who's.. Uhh well, a beginner. Not familiar with the chords yet, but will be after practice.
Next to come is Megan - who owns a pretty shiny classical guitar. Uh-uh, not so good for strumming ain't it? Her guitar skills are not bad, but I think the main reason she came is only to use my internet.
And.. we have Andrea - a new learner too, but she's a real quick learner - what with her perseverance and patience, it's no wonder she shot up faster than Chiayong.
The fifth and last one Jane - who had some learning experience already from her brother, but still needs guidance. Quite okay.
While at the same time in school, more and more friends are interested to learn up guitar already.
Fees or not, I'll teach those who're willing to learn from an amateur like me.
Just for the sake of teaching - and the satisfaction of teaching someone something.
On the other hand, I'm beginning to learn up some violin and flute already, XD.
Catch y'all later.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Pointless, Pointless..
I wonder whether could I say "No".
I wonder whether I'm torturing myself.
I wonder whether could I manage all these.
Looking back this past month, I've been accepting many responsibilities that are assigned to me.
Did I actually consider rationally? Did I not?
"I've picked you as the deputy-chairman for our team this year, do you think you can manage it?"
-My Firefighter-team chairman.
"Sure thing."
"Ruiyou, you're the deputy-chairman for the librarians this year. And here's the list of the other AJKs."
-Our school's librarian teacher-in-charge.
"Uhh, okay."
Form Teacher: "Siapa nak jadi kelapa?" *Ketua Lagu Patriotik*
Class: *chants* "Ho Rui You, Ho Rui You, Ho Rui You.."
Class Monitor: "Hey, you're good with PhotoShop isn't it? Here's what you should do - design at least two front-cover designs for our school magazine this year."
"I'll.. try."
So now I'm stuck in my computer chair, multi-tasking -
On MSN discussing library matters with two other members;
Adding a few finishing touchs to my completed patriotic song;
Straining my poor brain to think of an idea for the cover-page of the school magazine.
Now, I actually offered to do the cover-page designing job myself - as they're giving RM100 cash for the first prize.
Idea + Renders = RM100, isn't that worth it?
So I started PhotoShop, started Opera -, typed in "SMJK Sin Min", and..
The only damn sites that's totally relevant to the school are: and
I mean, what on earth?
I tried searching for Sin Min's school logo..
.. and the best I found is a low-quality 140x150px ugly logo.
Geez, no choice but to rob the teachers in school of some school photos.
And, of course, a large high-qualitied school logo.
Oh yeah, whoever (I don't think there'd be any) feels like contributing ideas for the magazine cover, ideas would be greatly appreciated, mwahahaha. Just send a mail to, and I'll TRY to change your idea into a picture.
Signing off - many sheeps waiting to be counted yet.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
The Start of A Stressful Life
Oh well, after settling down with my newly-recovered-yet-memory-lost computer, and my newly-recovered Internet, I've finally returned to the time-demanding yet stress-relieving world of blogging.
Oh... Where should I start..
.. Let's start from my first month.
I'll just put my notes in point-form first, as I've already forgotten the order when they happened.
- Monitor smashed into microphone
- HDD shutdown (Mobo error)
- Unsubscription of telephone line
- Friend-friend friction
- Fright at the new formats of Form 4 subjects
- Amazement at the speed of how the Do Re Me lecturer speaks
- Shocked by the appointment of this year's deputy chairman for Bomba and Pengawas PSS
- A lil' sad of our New Year celebration, which wasn't as.. "fun" as past-year-celebrations
- Celebrated the third day of
And that pretty much sums up my first month of Form 4 - some downhills, and some uphills too.
Chinese New Year.
I wonder whether it's only me, or its a true fact - celebrations among our family and relatives are getting less and less "熱鬧" by every passing year. Well, last year it started to go downhill when my gramma fell sick during CNY, and the atmosphere then was tensed instead of relaxed.
But this year, though..
With the absence of our queen and prince of entertainment..
The celebration doesn't feel the same as it was anymore.
There's surely a small twinge in the depths of my stomach whenever I think of the two special persons who were supposed to celebrate this CNY with us, but are unable to.
Gramma and my uncle.
Though the passing sands of time have already erased their looks, their smiles, their words, their presence from my memory - it all came back during this CNY.
Looking through past-year CNY celebration photos in my sister's cameraphone, the familiar faces looked back at me, smiling.
Sigh, I know I shouldn't have reminded myself about those old memories..
Well, to sum up my CNY this year, I just took it as a chance to be able to get online - using my cousin sister's laptop, and my aunt's wireless connection.
The third day of CNY was more bearable - where close friends of mine (CN, CH, and Inn) came for a new year visit to my humble home, bringing all sorts of weird stuff - uhh.. New year cards, guitar, sparklers, mandarin oranges, fireworks, etc etc. The morning, was devoted to us playing different instruments at once (Flute, piano, guitar), teasing Balbloo the Punjabi dog (My neighbour's puppy, which we carried to our house, mwahahaha), exchange of hand-made New Year cards, and of course - plenty of chatting.
While at night, I spent my New Year with another group of close friends, to celebrate JW's birthday. Everything was just as an average birthday party should be - the food were nice, the atmosphere was nice, the cake was awesome, and JW's dog was
Monopoly, chatting (again), and finally, 10pm marked the start of - fireplay!
There was still 3 of us invitees left at JW's house - Me, CCM, and Zhihuei - so JW took out her
And.. we played.
The rest of the birthday-cum-new-year celebrations though, needs no further elaboration - it was only 4 of us playing childishly with the supply of sparklers (and emptying out the powder inside to create a cooler effect too), and playing with Tabby the female dog (Tabby's supposed to be a cat's name, oh my god!).
Photos - if available - will be uploaded in the future.
And after the New Year celebrations, I went back to my stressful life in school again, where everything is like how a MMORPG should be.
* Evade the one-hit-kill discipline teacher at all times - if he / she sees my hair, im toast.
But of course - there're still new, and quite nice things that happened this year.
Well firstly, I've managed to call our first frisbee pickup on the 30th of January - quite a HUGE achievement.
Secondly, I'm about to attend our first badminton pickup later in the noon.
Thirdly, me and Jail are setting up a guitar "class", for those who wants to learn up guitar. Venue - my house. Fees - undecided yet. Day & time - undecided yet. Still recruiting. Those who're interested, look out for me or Jail.
Well, that's all. I wonder whether I'll forgive myself for this lame way of blogging - no choice, have been absent from the blogosphere for way too long..
"I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar."
Sunday, 25 January 2009
My Last Post For A Few Months - Perhaps
I guess I won't be updating my blog for quite a while.
Spoilt motherboard, unsubscribed line..
There's no way for me to come online at home.
Till my Internet and new computer comes, I'd have to start counting the days I can live without my computer, XD.
Sigh, this post is so lame..
Happy "Niu" Year to all of you, and may you all be happy always.
I'll be ending today's post with a poem that I thought up myself. Have fun this festive season!
The time has come again,
Where people start to dance and sing,
Where people go insane.
On new year's eve families unite,
Together they would dine,
Celebrating the single night,
Drinking beer and wine.
The next day people start to say
the Chinese wish "Gong Xi Fa Cai",
The fest that lasts for fifteen days,
Have fun and don't be shy.
A poem I thought up in English,
I hope you'd find it dear,
With all my heart I'd like to wish,
Happy Chinese New Year.
Friday, 16 January 2009
Haywired Thoughts on Life
When the painting was completed, the rich man was shocked! He was so angry that he ran to the temple to confront the Zen master.
"I have paid so much money to help build this temple. How can you curse me and my family?"
The painting reads -
Father dies,
Son dies,
Then grandson dies.
The Zen master explains, "Death is inevitable! If you think this painting does not bring you great blessing, would changing these sequences be better?"
Many people are afraid of death. The mere mention of this word brings gross unhappiness to many.
Have you planned your death?
Do you know that at least 10000 people would never see the next sun rise tomorrow?
Are you grateful that you are alive today?
Death brings fear to many people - but is there any reason we should be afraid?
It is common human nature to fear death, and usually fear leads them to look for help to lessen their fears.
Life after death..
Are those facts?
Or are those just fictions stitched up by people who fear death?
Is religion naught but just something to soothe our fears?
I'm not actually an atheist - I respect all sorts of religions, but I don't spend my time to be a religious devout or something.
I am my own God.
While everyone is a God themselves.
People keep looking for the "greater being", the Creator, the Lord-of-Everything, they keep looking for a omniscient, all-benevolent being. The more they can't find it, the more they'll want to continue searching.
Every religion has a common base - to guide a person to the right path.
Do good - and you'll go to heaven after death. (Or perhaps get 72 virgins or something)
Commit crimes - and you get thrown into hell.
Of course, there're different versions of the "punishments" yet, but it all shows the same meaning:
The action you take now determines the action that would be taken on you in the future.
I still wonder though..
Why do people fear death so much?
Death is but ".. going to bed after a very long day. After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure .." (Quoted from Dumbledore again, Sorcerer's Stone -.-)
If you lived your life well, there isn't any reason to fear death, isn't it?
Oh wait, how's "lived your life well" defined then..
There isn't a set standard for the definition of "Success", or "Successful Life". It differs according to one's own opinion.
Just a few days ago while our Civic subject teacher was discussing "Our Aim in Life" in class, she asked us for our personal aims.
Some people said..
"Get good results, and get a good job."
"Get a good spouse."
"Earn lots of money."
When it was my turn, I answered:
"Achieve happiness in every aspect of my life."
While the teacher commented that my aim was seemingly far-fetched.
Who says I couldn't achieve happiness in every aspect of my life?
I couldn't do that all at once, so I'll do that using the Daffodil Principle.
One step at a time, to complete the whole picture.
How do I find happiness?
By being happy myself first, of course.
"If you are happy, you will see happy things and happy people."
It's just that simple.
It is in the past and the past will never change.
Only I can change by choosing to do so.
Beginning today I will no longer worry about tomorrow.
Tomorrow will always be there, waiting for me to make the most of it.
But I cannot make the most of tomorrow without first
making the most of today.
Beginning today I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy of my respect and admiration.
This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time with and someone I would like to get to know better.
Beginning today I will cherish each moment of my life.
I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly share this gift with others.
I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.
Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to revel in the mysteries I encounter.
I will face challenges with courage and determination.
I will overcome what barriers there may be which hinder my quest for growth and self-improvement.
Beginning today I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.
Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image,
my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.
Beginning today I walk with renewed faith in human kindness.
Regardless of what has gone before, I believe there is hope
for a brighter and better future.
Beginning today I will open my mind and my heart.
I will welcome new experiences. I will meet new people.
I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else: perfection does not exist in an imperfect world.
But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.
Beginning today I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do things that make me happy . . .
admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favorite music,
pet a kitten or a puppy, soak in a bubble bath . . .
pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.
Beginning today I will learn something new; I will try something different; I will savor all the various flavors life has to offer.
I will change what I can and the rest I will let go.
I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.
Beginning today. And every day."
I'm hereby marking the 100th post of my blog. Never thought I'd come so far..
"If A is a success in life, than A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut", - Albert Einstein.
"I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy", - Dalai Lama.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
The Parting
*Laughs evilly*
The Parting
On the day - the time we both first met,
I thought we'd last for long,
Thought that things were readily set,
But now it's naught but song.
Through toil and strife we tried to last,
And clashes we've endured,
But wings could break in just a gust,
So I wasn't quite assured.
I longed for others, I dreamt of them,
You were silent all those years,
Bringing the person I solely am,
To the verge of hollow tears.
One perfect day you ended it,
Breaking off from me,
Leaving me speechless in my seat,
Oh, that was misery.
Chanceless again to be at your side,
No more "you and me",
For in pure freedom you now reside,
Here's my apology.
And people would start asking - "Who's the 'you'?"
No one guessed it right.
Not even close.
No one had any idea of what I wrote, XD.
Interpret it in your own way, and have fun. Let the poem remain a mystery except to me myself, :P.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Isolation From The Internet Computer
The "other part" of my life?
Uh, I don't really think so - I think I should use the term "my actual life".
Well, I've just looked back to my past and realized that I'm literally "living in a virtual world". The MSN me isn't like the real me. The blogger me is one hell more mature than the real me (Is it?). The gamer me is more commanding, more decisive than the real me.
And where does that lead me to?
Multiple personalities?
Probably, but my point is something more minor - Constantly relying on my computer.
Whenever I have free time, I wouldn't be thinking "Hmm, what new skill should I learn today?", no, I wouldn't be thinking around those lines. Instead, whenever I have free time, my first destination would be my computer.
My computer was my way of relaxation.
My computer was my source of merriment.
My computer was my method of communication.
My computer was 75% of my daily life.
I bet that 75% of my daily life in front of a computer accounts for my saintly myopia degree.
Left : -8.00
Right : -8.75
Well, I used to argue that my high leveled short-sightedness was mainly due to family heritage - my brother and sister have powers of -6.00 and above too. But it seems that it isn't - entirely - true.
I have the highest degree of short-sightedness in my family.
Oh geez, this comes from a teenage boy who had his first experience using a computer since the age of 4, Yahoo! mail since age 5, and my first pair of spectacles before I even entered preschool. Weirdly, I still remember my first way of holding a mouse, and my first game I played in my computer - Counter Strike beta 7.
[Walks away from the topic]
Now.. Here I come ranting about my computer history.
I've always been "home-trained". That is, I've never ever been in a cybercafe - no matter how absurd that sounds. But trust me, I've never entered one before.
How do I train up my gaming skills then?
Firstly, I have friends who're patient enough to help me, training me up as a "gamer".
So - A lotta thanks to fat404 firstly. My DotA experiences and lessons came mostly from him (And his blog). Strategy-planning, skill-building, stuff. He played a great role as a team-leader and a player too.
Coming next - arc. He's my brother - who introduced games to me (As I never bothered to download games myself), and "provoked" me to be more skilled in some games more than him. I've been (Pardon me for the lack of modesty) training hard to beat him in every game possible - CoD4, DotA, O2Jam, NFS, etc.
Of course - fatty87. The one who owns mp_creek in CoD4. He was the one who brought up my CoD4 skills, training up my reflexes etc.
And of course, something to take note of - the three guys above are not the same age as I am. They're, to be precise - 6 years older than me.
Till now, no one from the same age as I am had been able to "train up" my skills at a specific game. They're all more interested in playing MMORPG games, which I dislike since mid-2008.
"Home-trained" - it applies to mostly everything I have in my computer. Simple programming, PhotoShopping, computer performance-optimizing, etc. I still remember the time when my sister and brother went to "Informatics" to take Visual Basic C++ trainings, and I was the little brother who stayed at home to leech their lessons. Java, C++.. I have books left by them in my keeping. PhotoShop was a little bit different though. As no one in my family used PhotoShop before - I had to resort to the way I preferred the most. Self-learning. It was undeniably hard at first, with all those weird tools and things, but.. as my personal adage goes - "The more you know it, the more you'll love it". A pioneer in my family to start using PhotoShop? Dream on.
Who says that a gamer must have entered a cybercafe before?
Who says that PhotoShop must be learnt using a handbook or manual?
Says who?
I'm proving them wrong.
[End of off-topic]
I guess I've been spending way too much time on the computer.
I think I need more fresh air.
I decided that I need to try more new things in real-life.
I plan to eat real food instead of feasting on my computer electricity.
That's why I planned for some more new things for the Year 2009.
= Have another 90+% in my English paper. (Kinda impossible)
= Learn up a new instrument. (Most likely piano / whichever Chinese instrument)
= Join the choir. (Gawd?!)
= Get a nice position in whichever organization / society I'm joining now. (By nice, I mean something high up)
= Have a frisbee pickup at least once this year.. (Sounds easy, but its actually hard)
Might probably update this list - with new goals / achieved goals in the future.
Till then. I might not be online much for this year (Or probably only for this few days, XD. See how long could I endure my isolation..)
Friday, 9 January 2009
What Major Suits Me?
Original Quiz link is HERE.
Accurate? Not sure. All I know is that it doesn't point to my planned career - Accounting and Finance.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Series of.. Unfortunate Events
I wonder whether whether I have bad karma for this year or something - things just fail to work out for me every time.
I'm not sure about the first few days of 2009, but I'm sure of the date that I've been the unluckiest this year.
7 January 2009.
It all started in school when I was asked to stay back after my duty session as a librarian - to clean and tidy up the old (1980s) school magazines and books stored in our library store room. So, what my duty-end time (3pm) was extended to 5pm, while the extra two hours were devoted to dust and cockroach droppings that probably existed since the 80s.
After our duty session ended, the only ones left were Jiawei, Wong and me. Switched off all the lights and fans, while Wong departed the library through the staircase leading to the teacher's study. Later, Jiawei and me exited through the main library door, while I locked the door behind me before closing it.
Walked down the stairs..
.. Just to face a closed and locked grilled door.
Sheesh, I suppose that the doors were locked so as no student could go upstairs.
But it seems to be preventing us from going downstairs now.
So what could we do - as we couldn't go back to the library as I just locked it?
By trying to capture the attention of the teachers downstairs, of course.
After waving our hands like madmen.. (Okay, we didn't.), we finally got noticed by a teacher (Lim Kee Boon), and he hand-signed to us that he'll inform the office assistants to unlock the staircase grills.
.. While that yielded no results - as the guard was the only one having the keys to the staircase (as the assistant told us) ..
.. So, we had no choice but to wait for the library clerk to re-unlock the library, re-unlock the main door, so that we could pass through the library > teacher's study > back outside.
The waiting's one thing, and the misunderstandings by the teachers were another. Glad it wasn't too serious.
Arrived home at 5.30, and had my long-thirsted nap till around 6, before going out for dinner at around 8.
Arrived home at 10, and entered my computer room, imagining my computer greeting me after a long long time gap since I last used it (Which was only one day ago, XD.)
Opened my usual routine-programs - Opera and Miranda..
.. 5 minutes later ..
"Opera - Could not save to D:\Program Files\Opera\profiles.dat. Please check your directory etc etc."
Suspecting that my D drive probably got weird for a while or something, I went to My Computer to check out my D partition.
"Local Drive (D:\) - 0 bytes total, 0 bytes free, 0 bytes remaining".
Oh my god?
*Tries to open by various ways - address bar, double click etc.*
Result - "Drive D:\ is either corrupted or unreadable."
Damned perfect.
Turned off my computer, and tightened the power cords + data cables connected to my HDD + motherboard - before turning on my computer again.
Everything worked normal (Uhh well, NOT - my D drive was still detected-but-unreadable) - with me relying on my 80GB HDD - which has only 8GB free space left. Reinstalled Miranda on this drive and phoned my brother for a through-the-phone diagnosis of my computer.
arc : "Reconnect the power cords for the HDD and try again see."
me : "I did that already just now."
arc : "Oh.. So, umm I'll have a look at your HDD probably this coming CNY when I come back or something."
Nice, that just leaves like only 3 weeks left, right?
3 weeks of doom in my prediction.
Oh well, gotta try to survive.
Continued my chatting on MSN, till my mom called my name from downstairs in a emergency-like, high-pitched voice, which lead me thinking that something serious had happened. So I took off my headphone, lay it on my computer table, and started to rush downstairs - till I tripped over my headphone wire, and a resounding crash was heard.
The crash..
.. came from ..
.. my LCD monitor which slammed headfirst onto my microphone ..
I lifted up the screen again, and noticed a few "dent spots" on the center-right part of the screen.
Greeeat. And it turns out that my mom's "emergency-call" was nothing much but a reminder for me to wish my cousin sister a Happy Birthday. How I wish to scream at the top of my lungs.
200GB HDD lost signal, LCD damaged, whats next?
Today's events, of course.
Turned on my computer as usual of course - started the few routine-programs again.. And bingo, my computer just hanged at where it was.
Waited for a whole 5 minutes before I decided to restart my computer.
And what I got during the boot was this.
"\WINDOWS\system32\Config\System could not be accessed. Please insert the Windows XP installation disk into your CD-ROM and press "r" in the first page to repair."
Am I dreaming..?
Tightened the cords of my drives to my motherboard again..
.. But the result was still the same. Some system error. Seems that my C drive (80GB) lost signal too.
So I put my Windows XP installation disc into my CD-ROM so as to try to repair the drive.. Just to receive another surprise once again.
"Windows XP Installation Disk Error - INF file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or unreadable. Setup cannot continue at this time."
I guess it isn't the problem of my drives - but my motherboard (I guess) which I suspect is dying.
Arc said that it might be because of insufficient power from the PSU too, and advised me to replace it. I might do so when I'm free tomorrow I guess.
These are only the things that happened to my computer - I didn't touch much on what happened to ME in real life. I guess I won't do so..
Who on earth cursed me? Lol.
Attending the "school-team-qualification" for my school volleyball team tomorrow. I guess I'll have to wear my contact lenses + knee pads for extra precaution - I predict that I might get hit in the face by a full-speed ball or something, just my bad luck these few days.
Wish everything would be better.
Signing off, IceGlacial.
Monday, 5 January 2009
My Second Day At School
Turns out it isn't.
"To save up time, the teachers had arranged all of you into respective classes according to your PMR results and remarks from your subject teachers."
Ain't that something that sucks?
And we were all thinking that we could have a few days to get briefed on the new packages, the streams, and ponder about what stream we would take.
Well, not so.
"For your information, the classes aren't divided into 'good classes' or 'bad classes' anymore. There'll be 8As in every class, 7As in every class etc. We've taken care of that for you."
"Those students whose names are called, please enter your new classes.."
.. 4.0 ..
.. And I could only stare as most of my friends got called to enter class 4.0.
.. 4.1 ..
.. I didn't regret not able to enter this class, XD.
.. 4.2 ..
.. .. .. Ho Rui You .. ..
And 4.2's the new class that I'm in right now.
Glanced around the class - perfect, another class where I have none of my past-year classmates.
Speaking of that, I recalled my past-year experiences of my classes too.
Form 1 to Form 2 : 1.7 to 2.2 - There were none of my 1.7 classmates in class 2.2.
Form 2 to Form 3 : 2.2 to 3.9 - There was only TWO of my classmates from 2.2.
Form 3 to Form 4 : 3.9 to 4.2 - I guess there's no more.
My fate?
SOME people might think that I'm unlucky, always unlucky enough to enter a class full of strangers. Personally though, I think that I'm quite fortunate - as fate gave me a chance to widen my circle of friends by being able to bring new friends into the circle. Anyway, life's all about extending and expanding, isn't it?
Well, about my class.
It's really quite unique in a way that we have students from different "expertises" in class 4.2.
We have students who're good in their academical achievements..
We have students who fly high in their co-curricular activities (posts)..
And we have students who're good in sports (though not the best).
I couldn't just say anything about my new class yet - I couldn't judge my class just by watching them for one day. See how it turns out after a few months then.
4.2 is one of the Science-streamed class, so - the basic subjects that I'm taking are..
The three major languages - Malay, Chinese, English.
The three branches of science - Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
The two mathes - Modern Maths, Additional Maths.
The two useless subjects - Moral Education, History.
That makes a total of 10 subjects, excluding Physical Education and Civic Education.
Extra subjects?
(Decided not to take EST after advices by my aunt and sister)
So I'd be taking 11 subjects overall - might not seem much to you, but who cares? I aim for my career, not for glamour anyways.
"There won't be any teachers teaching Accounting for science stream this year. If you want to learn Accounting, you'd have to either take tuitions or study by yourself."
My initial plan was to study myself - but after consideration.. Oh well..
I decided to take tuition for Accounting - at least for a few weeks / months, to see whether I could cope with the subject. If yes, I'll drop my tuition then.
And so goes my tuition schedule.
Sunday : 4-6pm BM DoReMe
Monday : [Free]
Tuesday : 4-6pm ACC Pn.Chew
Wednesday : 8-10pm PHYSICS Einstein
Thursday : 4-6pm MT En.Loke
Friday : 8-10pm CHEMISTRY Pn.Kum
Saturday : [Free]
Crap, gotta go. It's 12.15am and mom just asked me to get to sleep right now.
Catch ya all later.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Criticism & Encouragement - It Helps
Well, I'm feeling quite exhausted - tired out by the vigorous volleyball training (as usual) in my school a few hours earlier. Actually realized that our volleyball coach - "Ong", wasn't only a volleyball coach that yells at the players for fun.
Oh, right.
Actually, he does yell at us when we make mistakes - especially stupid ones, but well, who's complaining? By just a few weeks of training under the coaching of Ong, I've actually learnt and understood how cruel and how challenging the world could be. Of course - he isn't the person who makes my life hell, but the person that taught us all how hell is like.
Back to my point then, (originally planned to write about how he made us understood hell, but no thanks).
You see them all the time everywhere. Simon Cowell actually criticises people LIVE on TV (American Idol), and he doesn't care about the boos made by the audience towards him.
Some people might think that this is cruel and stupid, but it isn't the same for me - To me, Cowell was doing a saintly job that most people hate to do - to criticise people and make them improve.
What good is it to compliment people with absolutely no talent at all, while talking negatively behind his/her back?
Won't it be better to point out his/her mistakes to him/her, so that he'll/she'll (Duh, I'll just use "he" as a general term..) learn and improve?
Spend time wrongly complimenting people for the wrong things, and you'll end up ruining their future; Spend time pointing out mistakes to them, and you'll end up being their saviour of life.
Of course, I'm not actually asking all of you to fit criticism in every sentence that comes out of your mouths. No, I'm just asking you not to refrain from criticising when need arises.
Your friend composed and sang a song all by himself and asked you to give comments. To you, it's just an average song - not perfect, but not bad too.
Reaction 1:
"Wow, that song is absolutely fabulous! I bet if you compile an album, you'll get to the Top 10!"
Reaction 2:
"Good work on the song! Now you just have to edit the last verse of the song - make it higher by an octave, and increase the volume of the bass guitar and you're good to go!"
Reaction 3:
"It sounds like shit to me - the vocals get out of tune frequently, and I'm wondering who made the lyrics. Oh, is it you? I'm sorry then, but oh yeah, no offence dude, just don't send it to a publisher or something."
Which would most people prefer?
Which would YOU prefer?
About MY personal preference.. I'd pick Reaction 2.
I'd do exactly that, and I'd like to get that reaction if i was the "your-friend-the-composer".
But oh, if you're immune to negative criticism, and you'd like to improve, Reaction 3 might suit you. One to one's taste.
My exact point?
Have a mixture of criticism and encouragement in your comment(s) you make to others. You might disguise your criticism as an encouragement, or vice versa. Just make sure that you mean both of it.
Encouragement requires sincere SUPPORT.
What good will it do if encouragement flows out of your mouth freely, effortlessly?
Your encouragement wouldn't encourage people at all.
When somebody confides a problem to you -
By giving sincere encouragement, you are actually showing people that you understand their problems, and you're willing to help. It shows that you listened to them when they confided in you, and you'd always be there for them. That's what a sincere encouragement can do.
The thing is, the difference between a sincere encouragement and a false-hearted encouragement is just a thin line..
2) "Cmon, go for it! I know you can win, seriously!" -----
Can you figure out the difference?
It's actually possible, but normally people won't figure it out.
Encouragement - when you get it from others, ponder about it for a moment - is the encouragement sincere or false-hearted?
Both ways, it should prove helpful to you as it strengthens your morale - but yet, its usually inadvisable to follow a false-hearted encouragement or comment, as it might lead you wrong.
On the "giving" side, though, would you give sincere encouragements?
Or do encouragements come from you like free unwanted sweets?
And.. Did you manage to find the difference between 1 and 2? They're different, trust me.
Positive Criticism + Sincere Encouragement = A great help to the person who hears it.
"Compassion without wisdom is as dangerous as wisdom without compassion."
-Quoted from robin's karma.
The end.
It's really the end, duh.
*P/S: Got this quote from a site of my friend's mother - guess teachers should see this.
"A teacher must know his stuff.
He must know the pupils he intends to stuff.
Above all, he must stuff them artistically."