Saturday, 8 November 2008


I actually tried my luck again by planning a frisbee pickup for today morning - 0830-1200 hrs, lol.

Went there at 0830, and the field was occupied by Malays using it for aerobic exercises. Asked the organizer for the time they're using the field - and he replied: "Lapan hingga sembilan stengah".. Oooh well..

Nadhira and Hazwanie were the firsts to come after me, so i explained to them that we had to wait till after the exercises they're having, and they did.

I waited, waited and waited, while filling my waiting time composing a poem - so bored out of my mind. *Will add the poem in the end of this post*

At last, 0930 came. I checked back on the field, but no one came yet - unless you count the two lonely Malay girls sitting there. I thought "Nevermind, probably they had to come later or something..", as i have received an sms from Joe and Neeta this morning - "I'll come abit later today".

So, we played. Me, Nadhira and Hazwanie, and yeah, i invited some of the guys from the aerobic exercise just now too. We played. And played. And.. still no one came. Nadhira and Hazwanie said that they'll have to go back if there's still no one coming at 10. So there.

No one did, and i have to send smses to every member again - just to confirm that today's pickup was really off. And back came replies - some busy with tuition, some thot it was supposed to be 1500 - 1800 in the noon, duh.

So back home i came, with a feeling of letdown again. However, it was okay to me, as firstly, i think more positively about it now; Secondly, i'm used to being let down.


Extract from Andrew Matthew's Happiness Now!:


Here's a recipe for permanent misery ...
Decide how you think the world SHOULD be.

Then, when life doesn't obey your rules, get angry!
That's what miserable people do!

Let's say you expect that:
* People SHOULD appreciate you.
* Planes SHOULD arrive on time.
* Your husband SHOULD remember your birthday.

Sounds reasonable ...
but often, these things won't happen!
So you end up frustrated.

Happy people make fewer DEMANDS on life.
Instead, they have PREFERENCES!

They say:
"I would prefer "A", but if "B" happens, it's OK too!"

I PREFER the neighbours to be quiet –
but if they make a noise, I can handle it.

I PREFER people to see my point of view –
but when they disagree, it is OK.

You have preferences about the outcome of your plans,
but you accept WHATEVER happens.

So your mission today?
Instead of making DEMANDS on life and people,

There are two ways to become happier:
a) change the world, or
b) change your thinking.

It is easier to change your thinking!


The world isnt just built to suit me.
There's bound to be someone that hurts me everyday.
I'll just have to accept it.

*P/S: Here's the poem which i made,
Entitled "Sunflower" and directed to the person who likes sunflowers, The whole poem is purely my creation, i swear i didnt plagiarize it.

A sunflower so perfect, so flawless,
Brings nothing but joy and happiness;
Surviving rain and other hardships,
The true symbol of eternal friendship.

"True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."
- Charles Caleb Colton

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