Monday, 1 September 2008

Everything Hurts (Part II)

Oh yeah, does any of you wanna hear about my gruesome experience? Well, it originated from 2 weeks ago where i stubbed my 2 toes (The largest one and the second one), and it gradually became blacker, greener and it was finally confirmed dead, which means that the nail's not getting any nutrients from my body, so its not gonna grow anymore.
Well, the big toe was not fully dead yet, just half-dead (half of it is parted from my toe while the other half is still intact)

The next part divides into two sides:
1) Dad insists on taking me to the doctor to have the two toenails extracted (Jeez!).
2) Mom advised me to wait till the new toenail grows and push out the old, dead ones (I'm in favour of this, as its considered the painless solution, XD)

But finally, i succumbed to dad's choice.. So here i am, toenail-less, feeling the excruciating aftermath of the nail extraction, unable to run, play frisbee for at least a few days.. (But i did play frisbee today wearing sandals today! I scored two goals, could ya believe that?)

On another side, i decided after all to write a letter to TheStar and NewStraitsTimes papers respectively to alert others about the ineffectiveness of Telekom Malaysia (Actually it wasn't really neccesary as many others were already complaining many times in there.. But then..)
Well, I printed 3 copies - One to TheStar, One to NewStraitsTimes, and another one straight to Telekom Headquarters. I hope that might wake those freaks up.

Here's the document which i printed.

Wake up, Telekom idiots! XD.. Get prepared, i might be arrested, haha.


1 comment:

Yimin said...

aww..sad to hear dat...but my bro get a lot of experince like this...and that's is!