Wednesday, 6 August 2008

"Love - The Undefined Emotion" - Essay by Ice™

“… There will be no white flag above my door, I’m in love, and always will be …”‘Dido – White Flag’, the music keeps ringing in my ears through the headphone glued to my ears. This song was considered a classic which I heard years ago, but now did I truly understand the words contained in the seemingly simple lyrics.
Love – What does it truly mean? Is it a passionate scene on television which shows a couple kissing? Is it a simple act of saying “I miss you” between long-term-separated family members? Or is it even - the love a mother shows insignificantly, undyingly for their children?

Love is a mysterious emotion, simple yet complicated, powerful yet dangerous. Love might be able to make one do something risky just to ensure the safety of their dear ones, but might even misguide one into blind temptation – by buying things they don’t need, just to impress people that they don’t really love.

Cruelly to me it seems, I keep seeing underage couples holding hands as I walk along the school corridor every morning. Thoughts flew through my mind: Do these people really understand the definition of ‘Love’? Do their seemingly sincere ‘I love you’s truly denote their undying love for each other? Don’t they realize that the adolescence stage of growth is a phase to test one’s self-discipline as we get attracted to the other sex? Do they?

To me, love is a truly simple thing. One doesn’t have to write out the big letters “I LOVE YOU FOREVER” or even buy expensive gifts for their partner just to show their love. In my opinion, love is the furtive, unobvious bond between two individuals who truly care for each other - It may be just a simple “Get well” or “Good luck” card, or even an eye-contact that utters many unspoken words. Recently, I had a friend of mine who plucked up her courage and gave her mother the best gift a mother could wish for – a hug during Mother’s Day. Just a simple hug, just a single hug in a few “hug-less” years - that act, in my point of view, shows love – the unbounded love between a mother and a daughter.

It is not to be denied that love is an alluring emotion. Take myself, for example – I admit that I can’t escape from the temptation of the “acts of love” that couples do – kissing, declaring their love for each other, relying on each other during hard times.. Numerous times, I couldn’t help thinking, wondering: How would life be if I could have a girlfriend of my own, to be able to hold her hand whenever I am distressed, to lend a shoulder for her to cry on, to feel her presence beside me that pushes me on in my life.. I might just be deceived or misguided by the opposite-gender-attraction of adolescence, I don’t really know myself.

Fifteen years old is probably too early, I told myself. Plenty years of education in front of me, and an unknown career waiting to be secured. Who knows what might happen then. Focused, determined, I continue waiting till the time comes. But first – I looked at my untouched History notes piled up on my study table – I think I should concentrate on my upcoming PMR exams, and then we’ll talk about that later.

aka RuiYou.

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