Thursday, 12 June 2008

Extinguished Candle..

So.. a few days after the incident on Saturday night, she failed to survive this morning..

Well, im talking about my grandma who's just turned 81.. She got a stroke on Saturday night and was sent to the hospital. We couldn't help her celebrate her birthday on Sunday as she fell into a coma while in the hospital. All we could do was wait, wait, and wait, beside her sickbed every passing second, every passing minute..

She seemed that she was on the verge of recovering, till the moment came as my aunt phoned me from the hospital last night, asking my parents to go to the hospital immediately. As i had school, i stayed home, waiting restlessly, praying silently. Nothing happened till the next morning at 6.45am, when my parents came home to inform me of my grandma's.. well, you know - death, at 12.05am.

Even though i loved her with all my heart, i didnt drop a single tear after i heard the news. Words from my dad last time kept ringing in my ears, controlling my emotions : "Love your loved ones while they're alive, not starting to appreciate them after they pass away." For all i know, anyone must face the end of life, whether early or late..

Knowing that my grandma passed away, i started to think, life's such a short, unpredictable thing. One never appreciates life until he or she nearly lost it, or probably witnessing the death of a loved one. 

Life is so unfair, there're some people who talks so much that they deserve to die, and of course, lots of people who died who has many important things left to talk but sadly, couldn't. I sometimes wonder what was in my grandma's thoughts while she was in a coma. Was it about her family? Was it about her whole life? Or was it.. about giving up the fight for survival..? So many questions, so many unanswered questions which I guess no one could answer me.

Sigh.. Guys and gals, appreciate every moment you spend with your loved ones starting from now. That may be your family, your girl/boyfriend, your pet, whatever you love. Appreciate it, don't wait till the time comes when it's too late. Show signs of affection, such as hugging them, planting some kisses on their cheeks, helping them, making them laugh..

Seems that i have to choice but to accept the reality that my grandma is forever gone from this world, but not from my heart.

Adios, and farewell in your next life, grandma.
Probably the song that suits this moment is "When You're Gone" by Avril.



Anonymous said...

"Love your loved ones while they're alive, not starting to appreciate them after they pass away." That's what my mum told me too. Felt sad too while reading your blog, it remembers me about my loved ones too...But its a story long time ago, and I already forgot how he looked like.

Life still have to go on... so wish you luck!!!

Yimin said...

i'm so sorry...well then i didint saw any sorrow on ur face when in the school...stay strong brathaa!!!!!

fat404 said...

My condolences.

Ryo Helmenkalastaja said...

Thanks a lot, all of you..