A vision.
.. Well nope, it's still a dream after all. Guess it might sound great to many - a nation, formed by 3 major races, and other minor ethnic groups? It's basically anyone's (well, those with a sane mind anyway) greatest dream.
1Malaysia. One nation for everyone, one nation by everyone.
I don't think so D:
I've always admired the spirit of children - they don't care what race you are, they don't give a damn about your skin colour, they don't ask you which god do you pray to, nor care about the slang that you have, no. Place a group of multiracial children together and they wouldn't mind - as long as they can play happily with each other, they'll be content.
Try placing multiracial adults in a country instead.
My point?
The Siti Inshah Mansor case.
If I could have my say on this matter, and IF my opinion does make a change, I'd say this -
No matter who started this issue, no matter who should be blamed, name-calling is NOT going to solve the problem. Calling the Malays rude names, calling the Chinese pendatang harams, calling the Indians criminals..
It's just plain childish.
Asking the respective races to go back to their "own country" doesn't give you more brains either. Who could be sure that their race was the first to be set foot on our land? More importantly - What. The. Hell. Does it give you?
Syair Jong Pecah
Assalamualaikum saya ucapkan,
Selamat sejahtera handai dan rakan,
Sebuah syair saya sajikan,
Bersama-sama kita renungkan.
Duhai dengarlah suatu cetera,
Di zaman dahulu sebuah negara,
Bangsa bijak gagah perwira,
Hidup bersatu aman sejahtera.
Berkali-kali dicuba musuh,
Negara dilanggar hendak diruntuh,
Berkat bersatu rakyat teguh,
Tetap berdaulat berdiri kukuh.
Hinggalah sampai saat yang gelap,
Entah di mana salah dan silap,
Entah siapa lalai dan lelap,
Rakyat berbalah daulat pun malap.
Jadilah kita bangsa terjajah,
Terjejas daulat tercemar maruah,
Politik rebeh ekonomi rebah,
Siang malam berhati gundah.
Kita dijajah empat kurun,
Ditambah empat puluh enam tahun,
Budaya dan ilmu setandus gurun,
Harga diri semakin turun.
Bangkit pahlawan demi pahlawan,
Berjuang merebut kemerdekaan,
Bunga bangsa gugur terkorban,
Harumnya lesap ditelan zaman.
Sampailah waktu rakyat jelata,
Berpadu erat seia sekata,
Tahan bahaya tahan derita,
Mendaulatkan kembali negara kita.
Tiga puluh tiga tahun sejak bergema,
Kata merdeka dilaung bersama,
Negara dan bangsa menempa nama,
Banyak impian telah terjelma.
Aduh mengapa kita berbalah,
Sama sendiri berpecah-pecah,
Kenyanglah yu bila jong pecah,
Hitamlah tanda dalam sejarah.
Ya Ilahi Tuhan yang rahman,
Teguhkan bangsaku di dalam iman,
Ke arah perpaduan berikan pedoman,
Agar sejahtera zaman berzaman.
Tamatlah sudah madah dan cetera,
Untuk renungan saudari saudara,
Bersatu bangsa teguh negara,
Wassalamualaikum, salam sejahtera.
I am not proud of my race, nor disdainful towards other races.
I am not a Malay, not a Chinese, nor an Indian.
I am.. A Malaysian.
I have Malay and Indian friends, and trust me, they're no different than the Chinese.
"Skin colour is just a piece of apparel - inside, we're all the same."
- Ryo Helmenkalastaja.
P/S : Check out the late Yasmin Ahmad-directed commercials / videos on YouTube. Search for Tan Hong Ming, for one.