Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Photos, photos at last..

"A camera phone at last!"

Thats what i said last Saturday - during the homecoming of my sister from KL. Honestly, i'm deprived of anything camera-related:

I dunt have a camera, i dunt have any digicams, i dunt have a camera phone (my dad has one, but what he doesn't have is the USB cable to transfer photos to the comp, o.o)

Well, here're some photos which were taken at the Cultural Village 2008, Kedah:

(Links indicated by square brackets: [Link])

[Some crafts from Hainam Island(famed for coconut-shell-crafts)]

[Behold, an alligator!]

[For those interested in taking up da Hainanese language..]

And of course, some clay-making company named I-Clay helped us with the exhibition too.

[Clay-making 1]

[Clay-making 2]

[Clay-making 3]

And here comes some random photos:

[My personal space..]

[Close-up of my music box, which i bought at.. Standard 4?]

[Close-up view of my early birthday card by Tzeinn]

[And a further view..]

[And a further view.. Wait! This isnt the same card! Yeah, its a different goodluck card..]

Coming up are some videos:

[Photo Compilation of my grandma's funeral (12/6/2008)]

[Photo Compilation of my uncle's funeral (13/8/2008)]

To be honest, i wish for a camera or cameraphone, as a photo represents a thousand words eh? My photos are usually copied from the net or from others blogs, sigh. 

And oh btw, here's my latest PhotoShop wallpaper:

[Angel of Truth]

As usual, comments, please! Argh..

Before i end this post, Happy Birthday to my sista!

That's all, bye.

Thursday, 25 September 2008


上了中学已接近三年了,三年内的我,竟没去真正地理解与了解我校的标语 - “止于至善”


止 - Stop.

于 - Arrive at (time/position).

至 - Achieve.

善 - Perfection; Excellence.

= To stop striving only when we have achieved perfection.

~“善” - 就是人不可能达到的程度,那,"止于至善"呢,就等于永远地奋斗、永不放弃、并努力向上~


三年以来教过我的华文科老师,只有他 - 林老师,一直对我不放弃、一直“训练”我。还记得年头他所说过的话:“我最讨厌讨厌华文的人”,他并没有真正地“实现”起来。明知我就是一个“香蕉人” - “崇拜”英文、对华文则没一点兴趣,他却出了高招 - 以英文为我解释华文的成语、词类、等等、等等…

不止,他“逼”我们写的周记,也就是帮我们进步华文的妙计。上课时,也偶尔(错,是时常!)为我们说说一些“人生道理”、说出他一生中的经验,以让我们知道 - 如何在这世界上活得快乐、完美…



因为您,老师,我才有今天“白色”的Blog (他曾看过我旧的Blog)


老师所有的传授、所有的教导… 我一定会铭记在心的。我的姐姐与哥哥已在您的教导下成功了… 好希望我也不例外。

* “止于至善” - 就是我最新的座右铭。

* 还有,多谢至:

芷芸 - 帮我改过我之前的用词错误,汉语拼音…

迎铭 - 在班上当我的“英文-华文”的翻译员…

还有许多… 以上两名外星人只是帮我较多的罢了。

* 这是我在Blog内第一次以华文写贴… 对我有点不寻常 o.o

Monday, 22 September 2008

Jottings of Irony


Thats the word that describes me, no matter in school, on MSN, or even in this blog.

Well, first and foremost, i did some archeology-digging again and i found 2 books of my sister's - 2 books fully filled with English vocabulary, not a line missed. I was like, "HOLY CRAP, I didnt know that my sister actually did this!", while i felt that that was plausible, as the notes she made were probably one of the main reasons she did so well in her academies. Planning to start reading those "VocaBooks" (as i call them), so i might fare better in my PMR English paper.

Ooh yeah, that reminds me: Exams.

Missed out BC and GE, as the max data allowed there were only 6.

Nearly cried when i saw my exam results for the trial exam. How i underestimated Geography, where i got a 70.. Chinese is 71, so those are the 2 Bs that tainted my results slip.

And oh btw, i got a goodluck card from my ultimate-card-making friend - Tzeinn.

Am i touched? Sure am.

Am i grateful? Indeed.

Whatever, thanks a lot, you're my sunshine (XD what?!)

Well, frisbee has been cancelled till after the PMR exams, and now im stuck whether on what i hope for:

  • For the PMR exams to pass quick so that i could be free at last,


  • For time to stop.

Without frisbee, i doubt whether i still have the stamina to participate in the annual Penang Bridge Run then. Hope some hardcore- frisbee-ing after the exams might return my lost stamina.

Next, i got bored (again) and messed around with PhotoShop, this time with a "Theme Picture" for my bloggie.


However, comments received aren't so.. positive, so i guess that's a failed project.

Found some photos to arouse my "melancholism". Here ya go:

The corridor where i used to walk so as to get to my block ..

.. And another corridor where i set my feet on when i was in Standard 3 ..

The place that created my first major-exam phobia ..

... and of course, the old pathway towards the school canteen.

It used to be like that ..

.. But not so now.

I miss those days..

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Emotional Put-downs

A cheat, a trick, a scam, a put-down, call it whatever you want, im just so sick of my life nowadays.

My so-called "Frisbee-team-members" doesn't feel like a team at all. I scheduled a frisbee game last Wednesday (10 Sept), most of them said yes, but none of them turned up at the prescheduled time - 3.00pm.

FFS, i waited for you guys till 3.45pm, and then received a message from a friend saying that his mother forbade him to come to frisbee today, because he had to prepare for the PMR exams. I mean, why not sms EARLIER?! That's 3 guys from Laguna Merbok unable to come, but i continued waiting.

Still, no one came, so i had no choice but to phone every other members to inform them of the cancellation of that day's game. No doubt, im truly kinda disappointed with this team now, might consider calling off the plan of making a T-shirt for ourselves.

And oh by the way, God cheats me too.

Thought of forgetting the whole "cheated-incident" but it happened (kinda) again yesterday night. The initial plan was to celebrate CH's birthday at Jubli Perak park today - from 8.30 till 10.00pm.. But it started raining at 6pm.

Got myself prepared anyways, hoping for the rain to stop before 8, but doubtless, they informed me of the "celebration's cancellation" (no rhyme intended) and i had to go for my Science tuition, 15 minutes late. Not blaming anyone on this though.

Cheated again and again, i wont think i would jot down all the incidents that happened to me, i might just break down, or the blog might.


Well, on another side, i got bored, frustrated, and i decided to vent out my emotions through my favourite program - PhotoShop. Here's my creation:


Comments i received so far :-

~ Sword blade looks weird, with it being violet.

~ Background's inappropriate.

~ Bad font.

Keep the comments coming, then i'll make a whole new one again. 

Before i sign off, here're some wishes:

~ Happy birthday to CHTan.

~ Happy Mid-autumn Festival to everyone

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Who am i actually?

Geez, im lost.. Day after day, my PMR exam keeps approaching, and my enthusiasm for blogging keeps fading away.

Just to waste some space, here's a nice essay i got through friends' emails:

Stay tuned after 18th the October, for i might come back blogging after my PMRs!

Till then, wish me luck! Tartar~

Wednesday, 3 September 2008

A new change, a new me

Well, first of all first things, MY FREAKING INTERNET IS BACK!! Effective letter i sent eh? XD..

And, i've also changed the theme for my whole blog.

Give me some comments on it wont ya? So that i can keep improving it..


Monday, 1 September 2008

Everything Hurts (Part II)

Oh yeah, does any of you wanna hear about my gruesome experience? Well, it originated from 2 weeks ago where i stubbed my 2 toes (The largest one and the second one), and it gradually became blacker, greener and it was finally confirmed dead, which means that the nail's not getting any nutrients from my body, so its not gonna grow anymore.
Well, the big toe was not fully dead yet, just half-dead (half of it is parted from my toe while the other half is still intact)

The next part divides into two sides:
1) Dad insists on taking me to the doctor to have the two toenails extracted (Jeez!).
2) Mom advised me to wait till the new toenail grows and push out the old, dead ones (I'm in favour of this, as its considered the painless solution, XD)

But finally, i succumbed to dad's choice.. So here i am, toenail-less, feeling the excruciating aftermath of the nail extraction, unable to run, play frisbee for at least a few days.. (But i did play frisbee today wearing sandals today! I scored two goals, could ya believe that?)

On another side, i decided after all to write a letter to TheStar and NewStraitsTimes papers respectively to alert others about the ineffectiveness of Telekom Malaysia (Actually it wasn't really neccesary as many others were already complaining many times in there.. But then..)
Well, I printed 3 copies - One to TheStar, One to NewStraitsTimes, and another one straight to Telekom Headquarters. I hope that might wake those freaks up.

Here's the document which i printed.

Wake up, Telekom idiots! XD.. Get prepared, i might be arrested, haha.
