The reason for my disappearance from the Net? - The internet+phone copperwire cable in my housing area got stolen (yep, AGAIN), and in this case - 3 WEEKS.
3 weeks of boredom, 3 weeks of Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas, and Fable : The Lost Chapters. Its totally torture (well, only to me, perhaps). Online friends were questioning about my disappearance, whether im too busy, or im sick and nearly in the deathbed. I told them today : "Nearly in the deathbed? Close enough, I lost my internet for 3 weeks". However, i watched "The Simpsons Movie" too, got quite a laugh out of it. Truly appreciated the importance of Internet in my life then, as i just simply miss those close friends that i could talk to freely while being online.
Well, by the way, i'll start off by wishing those whom i didnt get a chance to wish during these past weeks. Firstly, Happy Mothers' Day to every mother that exists in this world..
Happy Teachers' Day to every teacher that actually teaches..
and.. Happy Birthday to a few friends that would go unnamed here (Discretion purposes)
There you go, im at a loss for words again. Probably one of my weaknesses - Trouble voicing out my feelings.
I'll just end this entry with a video my friend showed me just now. Speed drawing!
And, for those "THIS IS SPARTA!!" fans out there,
Sorry Harry Potter..

That's all. Cya later guys and gals. Be warned, i MIGHT NOT be blogging much after this.. Sigh, im trying to escape from myself.